Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Economic Collapse and Other Inconveniences

While the media trumpets the latest propaganda put out by the White House regarding the economic recovery the cost of goods rises daily while asset values such as real estate are collapsing still further. I can't see assets other than silver, gold, food, and necessities such as medical supplies and power production as having any lasting value if there is an economic collapse.

Meanwhile, the predictions are regular and dark. Here is a favorite. I read this today and needed a walk to commune with nature after contemplating what this meant. What it seems to mean is that we're destined for total destruction of our way of life within the next decade or so. Check out this site TheBurningPlatform.com and read the post titled "The Gathering Storm." Find something positive there other than reasons to justify your preparations.

A run on potassium iodide pills has ensued as West Coast Americans panic in the face of a radioactive cloud. Meanwhile most are fully ignorant that terrorist groups have plenty of the same materials that can be used to detonate a dirty bomb. Still they vote for open borders and multicultural foolishness that ignores the realities of the war of civilizations that has been ongoing.

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