Thursday, August 22, 2013

Societal Collapse Indicators: Taser Attacks in DC, Racial Attacks, Media Lies

 Taser Attacks in DC portent a new Robbery Method
This immobilizes the victim quietly so they can be robbed, beaten, or killed.  Needless to say this is scary since the attackers will feel more brazen about using a stealth weapon for taking someone down.

Voter Frustration with Government Leads to Talk of Secession
It will be brushed away by bureaucrats and dictators in charge.

Racial Attacks Continue
Teens Attack WW2 Vet - Left for Dead
This is the kind of thing that turns your stomach. 

Adults Robbing School Children
You know things are getting bad when they have to resort to this.  Check out the story in Gary, Indiana.

Breakdown in the Rule of Law and the Societal Contract
The willingness to flout the rule of law is now epidemic.  Part of it comes from the obvious examples set by politicians all the way up to the WH.  In this case many people are passing off their pets as service dogs.   This reminds me of the regular use of handicapped tags by those who are not handicapped.

When the Media Lies to Keep the Facade in Place
When a white student is killed by black youths the mention of color is left out of the story.
In an essay by Stein he makes it clear that discussing the truth or even acknowledging it is absent in the U.S. media. The truth is there for all to see and yet they are unable to mention it for fear of being called racist.

Region 3 is slotted for the worst in a FEMA Scenario - DE, MD, PA, VA, WV
Check out the video
DC/Baltimore/Wilmington/Richmond/Philadelphia/Charleston first in risk.  Who would have thought.  Of course all of our enemies would have especially when you think DC and the rest of these areas are just what might be called collateral damage.  No matter what type of disaster occurs whether natural such as a virus, man made stupidity like a meltdown, or terrorist attacks with CBRN
the risk is not contained by boundaries other than distance.

Here are a few things you can do to protect yourself.

How about skylights in your home in addition to electric lights.  If you haven't gotten it done by the time the electric goes away you might try this bottle light idea.  

Start your own prepping related business.
Here is a list of industries that do well in that area.

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