Sunday, February 16, 2014

Leg Warming - A new form of violence from the thug culture added to the Knockout Game.

The IRA called it Kneecapping.  If you took a round in each joint at the ankles, knees, elbows,  they called it a sixpack as it is now known as an IRA sixpack.    If they finished it off with a round to the head they called it a kneecap to the head.  So if you were really lucky they'd give you a sixpack and a kneecap to the head or otherwise you'd be crippled for life.

Urban USA has coined a new term called leg warming.  It is just another part of the thug culture that is moving across our landscape and invading our lives.  Here a mob terrorizes a Victoria Secret store and one of the poor misunderstood patrons decided to give another shopper a leg warmer, a shot in the leg.  This is where we are headed and this is why you should live where this doesn't happen.  If you must, then at least live where you can stay armed legally.

Fox News Covers the knockout game.
The black mob and knockout game trend has finally reached public view on Fox.

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