Thursday, June 28, 2018

Civil War USA: Knockout NYC, ANTIFA Riot in Seattle, Obama - Resistance?, Free Speech Battle - Supremes

Knockout Game Leaves man Critical

This is part of an ongoing terror campaign for retribution for perceived wrongs done by one group to another that is constantly ginned up by the left media and race pimps.  It is inevitable that many more people will suffer this fate unless law is applied forcefully.

Left Going Violent Again

This is a pattern.  The police let things get out of control by allowing the violent left to attack and then revoke the permit of the peaceful side that just happens to be pro American.

Obama Running Resistance?

He ran the enterprise of IRS, FBI, NSA, CIA, and other agencies using government power against the political opponents of the Democrat left and now is continuing to run it.  That remains clear.

Supremes now tilt right on 1st Amendment says Left  

It's fun to watch Kagan go all pretzel regarding her First Amendment views now that the balance tilts away from her political beliefs that control her vote along with the other leftists on the court.  Managing speech is a big part of what the left is all about now so it seems that much pleasure can be taken seeing how the reversal has caused them to change their tune.  In honor of that and of free speech in general may we suggest they eat their crow well warmed  though it is served to them cold.

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