Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Collapse Indicators and Risk

Miltary Budget Cuts
Swimming Pools closed at Navy Bases
Budget cuts are the excuse for  Independence Day Celebrations Cancelled at Military Bases.
When we can't afford to celebrate the 4th of July at Military bases you know that we are well down the road to collapse either financially or politically.  The pool closings are to punish the military personnel.

 Were it not for Printing Money Deflation Would have Stopped the Economy.
 We are doing into the Greatest Depression according to Gerald Celente 
 I know the D word is Nasty but if it comes we won't be surprised and neither should you. 

The Retirement Savings Shortfall Predicts Doom for Retirees
How bad is your retirement planning?
A good percentage of Americans have no retirement savings and those with some have way too little.
Even if things don't go bad for the financial system the people without adequate savings will be struggling and will live a difficult existence.  If on the other hand the system takes a stumble and the value of the dollar goes downward into a spiral the nightmare for older Americans in retirement will become real. The government may not be able to do anything to help either since it will have to focus on maintaining power.   Soup kitchens and bread lines may end up being the mainstay for those unable to work and without assets.
Is it worse than you think.

Subsistence Level Lifestyles Put Americans at Risk
 76% of Americans Live Paycheck to Paycheck
This bodes badly for the future as we flood the country with more low wage competition.  The pressures on families to take government subsidies has already increased food stamp and disability claim levels to unbelievable records.  If the printing presses ever stop doling out the free goodies you will have an unraveling of the social contract, or what little remains of it.  When the banks no longer let you get to your small amount of savings there and your paychecks can only be spent with a debit card you will see anger rise among the proles.  What will happen we cannot know, but we know that the government has no problem declaring martial law like they did in Boston while looking for one lame terrorist. 

The Government is now Flailing 
IRS sends 2706 refunds to one back account for illegal aliens.
For such a level of incompetence you would think this would have to be intentional, but I'm not sure.  It is quite possible that the management of such a vast agency has simply gone beyond the ability of such a complex system to sustain operation without major mistakes.  This could have been caught by an 8th grade class doing the audits.  No one will go to jail and the money has probably gone back to Mexico along with the scam operation until it comes back for more.  I thought the IRS had time to give anal exams to every TEA Party group it could find and if true it appears they really let everything else slide.

The Fed Prints Money and We Lose Wealth
It prints it until it implodes.
Anyone that thinks this can go on forever is smoking the good stuff.  It has to end and end badly.  Where will you be when this happens?  If you have a savings account full of dollars represented by digits on a piece of paper you may find that your digits will be shortened considerably when the bail ins occur. The banks can now take your money to make themselves whole.  I'd focus on hard assets if I were you.

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