Monday, July 1, 2013

Sitrep: Crime , Mob Attacks, Racial Violence, How to Protect Yourself

Mob Attacks on the Rise

Something is happening out there.  The types of crime going on predict that we are becoming tolerant of high levels of mob attacks against innocent victims.  The media has done a superb job of not reporting the racial aspects of crime unless it is someone that can be described as a white Hispanic, whatever that is.  As that trial moves forward you can expect retaliation against individuals justified as payment for that one supposed crime against their group.  The outcome of this will eventually be regular marauding street attacks and actually it has already begun but is not reported as such.
Read an article titled The Censored Race War.

Another good example is the censorship of web results.  Run a web news search for the term "racial attacks on whites," and you'll find first whole page brings back results that suggest or outright claim that whites are the true culprits in all attacks because of past behavior.  Often the articles equate the attackers as victims of the system that spawned this behavior.

Gang Attacks a Family Picnic 
The risk of your attending an event where a large group of people from another racial group predominates will subject you to a very high chance of violence, or should I say extreme gratuitous violence.  The purpose is often just for getting video to post online and gain fame.  Still, there is no denying that the racial composition of the groups versus the victims means if you are outnumbered you might be in severe trouble.    
One thing to note:  If you read the comment section of many of these stories you will get a tone of anger from whites who intend not to fall victim to this.  What I expect eventually is that self defense outcomes where the victim prevails against the attackers will only get notoriety as white over-response that is racially motivated.  Translation:  The intended victim will get the Zimmerman treatment including indictment, trial, character assassination, and be forced into a life of seclusion even if they aren't sent to jail for not allowing their heads to be stomped.

Wisconsin State Fair Mob Attack
Here you have a situation where unexpectedly you can find yourself outnumbered in a locale where shortly before you felt safe.  It is said by one in attendance that it was likely a flash mob that showed up as the fair was ending.  In any event you should notice that the State Police did little to stop or protect the victims.

Reality Testing
Getting your mind around the risk out there involves informing yourself regarding what is happening.  This can be called a reality check since if you rely on the TV news or print media you will likely not know there is an ongoing war in the streets.  Here is a website that will help you fill the void.  New Nation News 
Greensboro - Lots of gang fighting among teens. 
Ohio - Independence Day Celebration Cancelled  
USA - Riots 
Racism in America - Survey 
Home Invasion on Video 
Man Shoved into Traffic

What to Do in Response to this threat.

Avoid the bad areas
Stay out of situations where this has a high probability of occurring.  One thing to do is to stay out of cities if at all possible.  Working in the city presents you with many risks and one of them is a high volume of crime and exposure to large groups of minority populations.  Though most will not be a threat the problem is that the criminal elements among them won't be easily discerned until the moment arrives.  One high threat group are young males and in particular young black males.  I have had a number of close calls myself in the past when I was in urban environments. 

Stay Alert
Your situational awareness is what keeps you alive and may help you avoid a stomping.    Notice people that notice you.  If possible, first catch them watching you by scanning the landscape by moving your eyes and using peripheral vision instead of turning your head and looking.   You want to catch them watching you.  Once you have that determined, then you can  turn and look at them directly to make sure you let them know you are aware of their interest and this may dissuade them.    A verbal challenge accompanied by aggressive body language can work as well but not if they are armed.  This is the change that has occurred in the last two decades regarding risk of attack.  Many are armed with handguns.

Fight or Flight
You may be able to move into a store, mall, or public building that can give you a chance for witnesses or police assistance.  Nowadays neither of these guarantee you will come away unharmed since often the people around won't get involved or are sympathetic to the attackers based on racial considerations.  The police often do the same.

Avoid and Evade
Another option is to plan an exit and defense strategy where they have to follow you around a corner where you lay in wait rather than get chased down.  I would only do this if I was armed with a handgun and planned to point the weapon at them as they came around after me.   That is a legal risk for you and therefore I only mentioned if you are unable to avoid and outdistance your pursuers.   If you can reach your vehicle long before they reach you that is of course the best approach since you can just drive off quickly.  I've done that before.

The unavoidable attack and your last resort response.  
I once came around  a corner and was faced with almost 20 strapping fine young examples of social engineering seemingly on a hunt for victims.  This was in Baltimore where I had business that day or otherwise I wouldn't have been there.  I also wasn't armed since I knew that getting caught with a gun in the city meant going to the city lockup.  This bunch of magnificent specimens immediately shifted to my direction from about 30 feet away and I knew my goose was cooked if I didn't do something drastic.  Here were my options as I saw them.

Option 1:  Get down on your knees and beg for mercy while throwing your wallet, cell phone, and watch before them in supplication.  You might add that you voted for the current president and love him and them.   Add that you marched with MLK and also tell them you have a sister they might want to meet.  I can't guarantee the results but if Amy Biehl is any indication you might not come out alive.

Option 2:  If you have a blade you could try to make a lethal attack on one or two of your attackers hoping to dissuade them.  Remember though, when the numbers get too big it may only serve to increase the severity of your punishment and you may be slashed with your own weapon once disarmed.  I didn't take that option even though I had a pocket knife since I felt that the numbers I was facing meant that I probably would face a gun at some point and at least one blade.  Many stomping heels from shoes would have also probably left me comatose.  I opted out of this approach.

Option 3: Think of the the wildlife films you see where often the pursued animal runs into the river or body of water to escape attack by hyenas or other pack animals.  Find such an escape route even if it means further risk.  I took this option.

I walked into traffic and my good fortune or lady luck kept me from being hit by a car.  The gang didn't follow me since they were probably as surprised at my response as I was when I first saw them as I rounded the corner.   I did pick a car to move in front of that seemed a little more distant than the others and then found an opening to make it to the other side of the road.  When I say I walked into traffic I should say I limped into traffic since I was dealing with a leg injury at the time which is what kept me from trying to run from them rather than brave the oncoming rush of steel that constitutes a 2 or 3 lane road at rush hour.  I found my river of steel so to speak where the seemingly brave bunch lost their nerve to pursue me.   I don't recommend this to others since had I been crushed under a car this would likely have been more painful that a serious beating and curb stomping, but you never know since Baltimore had some serious heel stomping going on at the time.  Baltimore Beating.

Warning: This approach is often taken by individuals in a panic and results in their deaths.  I wasn't panicking at the time and so did make a rational choice regarding the risk and potential of getting hit by a car.   I had even considered this option prior to my chance friendly meeting with the group of well wishers coming over to glad hand me.

Final Advice.

Don't go where you don't belong.   
I say this to everyone no matter who you are or what you look like.  I am not going to Egypt or the Middle East anytime soon even though I would love to see the pyramids.  Why, because they kill my kind there, often beheading them.  Example:  American Stabbed in Egypt 
Dutch Journalist Raped by 5 protesters in Egypt.

Know where you don't belong
I try to know where I am not wanted or welcome so I won't be hanging out in Camden NJ or  East St. Louis IL for similar reasons.   They are rough places to hang out.  If you live where this type of thing happens all the time, consider relocating.    Check out the 100 most dangerous cities in the USA.  I've lived in a few and traveled to many of them and these rankings mean that your chances of getting a beat-down in any one of them are very good while your chances of ending up on a slab are better than average.

Learn to Defend Yourself
If you can't do that, get armed and learn to defend yourself.  Don't let a group get you on the ground for a head stomping.  Their time in prison, if any, won't bring back your life or help you if you are left comatose and have permanent brain damage.

Disclaimer:  All of this is for informational purposes only and doesn't pretend to offer legal or self defense advice.  It is based on past experience and common sense.  Use the information to further inform yourself and seek legal advice regarding any actions that may be against the law.  From my perspective  nothing I have said here falls into the category of anything but ideas to help save your hide from attack.  All comments regarding racial attacks are personal experience and news reports and leave open the subject for your own interpretation.  My philosophy:  Live and Let Live.

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