Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sitrep: Financial Collapse, Infectious Diseases, Crime, Corruption, and Travel Risks

This threat is only a international flight away from the USA.   The odds are it is already here and gives you something to enjoy thinking about when you get in an elevator, bus, movie theater or classroom. 

 Mers Virus Found in Saudi Bat
Now it can fly.  Cross species risk increases dramatically and this one is the world ending kind.

Denninger Calls the Coming Disaster Worse than 1929 
He may be right and he may be wrong but I would at least hedge my bets and go with some hard assets that can't be monetized away into worthlessness.

 Lord Monckton, financial collapse not whether but when
We all know basic economics simply from knowing that you can't extend credit out forever without eventually paying the bill.  Either the debtor pays it or the lender does.  The lender may by default pay much of this debt but the American people are the debtors and will not have a currency left standing once the debt is repudiated.  What does this mean for you, get hard assets in place now or be left standing with empty pockets and worthless dollars.

Squirrel in Public Park Carries Black Plague
If you are exposed to flea bits from an outdoor source I would watch my symptoms carefully.  It is easily treated with antibiotics.

CDC Says Unknown Stomach Bug is spreading
I personally will eat out less and less and the risks increase.  At least that vector won't exist as long as you cook at home.

Brutal Rape in Ukraine Due to Government Official Lawlessness Foreshadows USA
We have politicians now such as former presidents that have gotten away with sexual assaults and now have many other in government that just do what they want and flaunt the law knowing they are backed up by superiors.  We are only a stones throw from this kind of corruption especially as we import people from corrupt cultures that are quite comfortable with such happenings.

Flash Mob in a D.C. Store
This is what you might find yourself in the middle of if you inhabit an urban area. 

Train Wreck in Spain Due to Negligence
This is why I don't take buses, trains, and generally prefer to drive rather than fly nowadays.  The system is breaking down.

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