Monday, September 14, 2015

Collapse Update: Gangs and Anarchy

Salvadoran Gangs spread influence across the USA  And if you want to enjoy the fruits of this just keep supporting politicians who want open borders and demand that actions against illegals in this country is racist.  Unfortunately, it seems that all of the bad things are baked into the cake here and there is no easy way to undo the damage done by decades of inattention or in the case of the past 23 years intentional disregard.  This started with Slick Willie and has gone forward under GW, and of course under our current leader.

One thing to do for now is to stay out of cities if you can and avoid areas where there are large numbers of illegals.  Another thing is to find a place to live that supports your values and usually this means staying away from criminals and illegals are criminals by definition no matter how much you feel they are just here for work and to make a better life.  If you and I committed the same level of crime that includes fake ID, social security numbers, not paying taxes on income, and stealing free benefits we would face many years of jail time.  Instead, these precious souls are given a helping hand while Americans with problems are shown disregard.

Gang crime is not limited to illegals and now with the new disregard for the rule of law shown by attacks on police you can expect less protection than before.

Get Trained:  Take training in firearms and especially handguns and get certification so that you can qualify to conceal carry a firearm on your person and in your vehicle.  Though it may not save you it will give you the tools to improve your odds while facing a much more dangerous society.

Keep Training:  Handgun skills have a shelf life that is counted in weeks and months not years.  So if you do decide to get a concealed carry permit then continue to train so that you will be skilled and ready.

Finally, don't live in a state that spends inordinate resources helping these criminals since it will be added to your tax bill to help them.  Not only will you be funding their support in jails when caught, but you'll be paying for their kids.  Also, live in a state that allows you to conceal carry to protect yourself from this foreign enemy that plays by a whole different set of moral rules.

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