Thursday, September 3, 2015

Putin Dumping Dollar - Shutting the hatch

Analyze what is happening across the globe.  As economies are collapsing, markets are gyrating, debt is ballooning, and payments slow there may be one way to protect yourself or your country from some of the ruinous effects of a global route.  That way is to shut the hatches in your part of the sinking global ship.  Whether it works or not it can work to the extent that if your country or group of countries forming a trading bloc can in essence create a means of trade close to barter by simply agreeing to a set value of goods in relation to a common currency.  As long as that currency is limited to the trading bloc it can limit the damage caused by fluctuations in the global sphere.


It probably makes sense for Putin to do this simply because there won't be a way to judge a Russian collapse is the measures of trade such as dollars and the euro are no longer allowed.  Admittedly, this kind of stupidity didn't work for Argentina but they are a much less resilient region and they were mostly depending on oil revenue to prop up a socialist operation.

What does this mean to us.  Nothing at the moment but look at it as a sign that eventually international trade may grind to a halt leaving many countries in desperate situations.  The contagion is spreading and with it will come the unraveling of the debt bubbles and the false values that were propped up by debt.  Local economies will suffer disruptions and if the local currency becomes worthless hyperinflation will reduce the population to dumpster diving and looting.  Again, picture Argentina and Venezuela.

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