Sunday, March 13, 2016

Invasion Watch: Mosquito a new form of migrant, Australia selling out food security, Americans killed by migrants

Radiation Detectors are now part of false show of border protection.
Game wardens have now begun carrying rad detectors since the risk of smuggling nuclear materials into the country has increased with the volume of invaders.  My question is why bother since the purpose of open borders is to allow any and all things to get here including disease, murderous criminals, terrorists, drugs, and lethal weaponry.  I think this is more to protect the wardens and not society at large.  There is essentially no effort to protect Americans.

Mosquito / Migrant Invasion matching spread of disease.
We have a matching flow of migrants and mosquito diseases spreading across the country.  Both the mosquito and migrants carry many of the diseases that are now infecting Americans and killing American children.  

The cross transfer of disease from human carriers and the further spread of the Asian Tiger Mosquito has moved the clock back on mosquito control.

Media propaganda:  Notice that the article attempts to support the climate change mantra of the left as part of the reason this is occurring.  At the same time, there is no mention of controlling our borders to human disease carriers like we once did, pre-1965.

Cultural Breakdown in California
The outcome will be a third world California and if allowed to happen across the country then a national decline that appears to be in progress.

Australian Farm Sellout: 
Food Security in Australia is taking second place to high level economic interest among the elites.  Much as it is happening here in the USA Chinese investors are protecting the huge cash earnings from trade and currency manipulations by exchanging it for hard assets in the form of Real Estate and food production.  This is clearly a project of gaining control of food supplies to fuel the further security of China at the expense of Australia.

The Killer Invasion
Get drunk, kill an American, and skip bail.  This will never make the national news in the way a story about someone offending an illegal might.  Protect yourself as best you can, but what can you do with the random danger of a drunken illegal who knows that disappearing is a simple task.

Somalia Youths in USA paid not to join ISIS
The real question is ,why are they here in the first place.  Meanwhile, getting any assistance from the government for Americans gets harder every day.  Ask Veterans hoping for assistance from the VA about that.

Illegal Slaughters 5
Twice not deported before atrocity.  Now we can put him up for decades if convicted.

Murders by released illegals

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