Monday, July 25, 2016

Germany Lost

If you wonder how it looks to see a country still going through the death rattle of multicultural suicide take a look at Germany and here are some links to confirm that finally now some of the  somnolent horde known as Das Volk are showing a fluttering of the eyes.  

If you can imagine their minds considering and pondering this thought, "Can this be true, are we really being attacked by those loving guests and new Germans."  Yes, oh yes.  It is coming dear friends in Socialist Paradise and Multicultural haven of diversity.

I expect to see what we haven't seen in Europe in almost 70 years and isn't good newsreel footage what we all live to see as long as we're not part of the show.

German fear growing

Germany on Edge
Just hug the new arrivals and show that you care and they'll think better of you and maybe not strap on or go on a truck joyride.

Ansbach, denied asylum seeker goes postal or whatever they call it in Europe. He was an ISIS guy.

He was setting off Diversity Fireworks.  Video of explanation.

Who needs a ticket when you're out to punch your ticket.
He was just showing some good cheer to his hosts before the sendoff.

So, dear friends.  What does this mean for the rest of us.  

Shut the borders and stop taking in future threats, but that won't likely happen unless Mr. T wins.

Next, keep training.  Do whatever it takes to ramp up your skills in the area of firearms handling including home defense and concealed carry.

Finally, stay informed because simply knowing the threat and circumstances around you is an edge.  Remember, we live for information and the lack of it can be fatal on an individual basis as well as for a culture.  You are watching a culture die in Europe simply from the intentional disinformation indoctrination accomplished over the past 50 years.

Repeat after me.  Diversity is our Strength.

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