Monday, November 21, 2016

The Real Fake News

It's funny how the far left, extreme left, Ultra Left,  or shall we say the Alt Left controls the mainstream media commonly known as the MSM, or Government Controlled Media.  And when we say government we mean the government party mostly dominated by the Democrat Party but also the Establishment of both parties.

Those selfsame news propagandists happily and eagerly put out a list of news sites that comprise in the mind of one leftist college professor thought didn't meet the objective news standard.  Of course none of the propaganda news organizations were on the list, and none of the left wing  Alt Left sites either.

So with an effort to balance the issue here is a link to a list of sites compiled by Ron Paul of news organizations that he views as putting out fake news.   He blames many of these sources for the fake WMD stories used to get us into the Iraq war.   Enjoy.

How does this impact you as a prepper/survivalist?

The most important thing you have in terms of preparation is your ability to see trends and know what might be headed your way.  We might call it situational awareness on a macro scale.  A recent example is the false narrative of a Hillary win as guaranteed by the MSM/Democrat Controlled Media.  Had you been looking at alternative information sources such as Infowars, Breitbart, or simply using the services of the ultimate in discerning news aggregation,, you'd have been much less sure that the fix was in for Hillary.  I stayed in doubt right up until election night though I had friends who were sure that Trump would win based on obvious things like crowds at events and yard signs.   They had good arguments but all along I thought that fraud would take the day, and it almost did.

At the time I had this feeling and spoke of it to others that the attempt to steal the election through fraud was getting an assist from the fake polls put out by the MSM.  These were done so that if the Clinton machine was able to pull off a steal no one could argue it was against  ongoing poll results.  Unfortunately, even millions of illegals voting couldn't overcome the tidal wave of disaffected middle Americans that voted against the clear establishment candidate.  Even the narrative that she won the popular vote is suspect since the illegals and dead voting aren't going to be ferreted out.  Add to that the electronic voting fraud and ballot stuffing in Dem controlled areas such as Philly and Chicago are well known.

We dodged a big train wreck for the country and it seems like a reprieve from a guaranteed collapse into dictatorship and anarchy if the establishment had won.  How things turn out are still in question but it is safe to say we are better off with the outsider shaking things up than what we were facing under the now defunct Clinton dynasty.

What to do:

Stay awake, pay attention, and look across many sources of news to get the full picture.  The big area of concern is the attempt by the ultra left to destroy free information flow.  Giving away the Internet was the long term move by that fetid bunch to remove it from American free speech protections.  They clearly think that it is better to have dictatorships across the Oceans limiting who to publish online is safer to their cause than to risk Anti-establishment outsiders now recently elected who might allow a free and open exchange of information.  Where this leads is still in doubt. 

Get your news from the radio, online, and from print, and if you must then TV, but be warned that the TV news is nothing but propaganda if coming from the MSM.  It is almost unwatchable to the discerning eye.

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