Saturday, January 14, 2017

Tools: Tool Kit, Torches, 80% Receivers, Body Armor

Mini tool Kit - 12 ideas
This article gives you a good idea to fill in some gaps for a survival tool set that you can get on the cheap.

Thermo Torch Review - Multi function flashlight, power supply, hand warmer, USB.

Tennessee Arms 80% Receiver
Infowars has branched out into hardware.  This looks good.

Personal Protective Gear from Infowars Store - Body Armor
The prices on this armor seem in line with other options out there.

CCW Methods
Recommended Holsters

Non brand name prepping for tools
This makes good sense.  My suggestion is to check out craigslist, yard sales, flea markets, Dollar Tree, and Harbor Freight to name a few.  Always keep your eyes open for bargains on used items or cheap imports that are throw away candidates. 

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