Thursday, June 28, 2018

Civil War USA: Knockout NYC, ANTIFA Riot in Seattle, Obama - Resistance?, Free Speech Battle - Supremes

Knockout Game Leaves man Critical

This is part of an ongoing terror campaign for retribution for perceived wrongs done by one group to another that is constantly ginned up by the left media and race pimps.  It is inevitable that many more people will suffer this fate unless law is applied forcefully.

Left Going Violent Again

This is a pattern.  The police let things get out of control by allowing the violent left to attack and then revoke the permit of the peaceful side that just happens to be pro American.

Obama Running Resistance?

He ran the enterprise of IRS, FBI, NSA, CIA, and other agencies using government power against the political opponents of the Democrat left and now is continuing to run it.  That remains clear.

Supremes now tilt right on 1st Amendment says Left  

It's fun to watch Kagan go all pretzel regarding her First Amendment views now that the balance tilts away from her political beliefs that control her vote along with the other leftists on the court.  Managing speech is a big part of what the left is all about now so it seems that much pleasure can be taken seeing how the reversal has caused them to change their tune.  In honor of that and of free speech in general may we suggest they eat their crow well warmed  though it is served to them cold.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Invasion Update: Spain - displacement, Sweden - Billions for Migrants, France - Religiously Coloized, Germany - Merkel Stunned by Italy

Spanish Students evicted from Dorms for Migrants - Displacement and Replacement

Spain Reverses taking Migrant NGO ships - they learn fast or realize their citizens won't accept it.

Sweden  to spend Billions for Migrant Integration in fractured cities

Sweden - finally the citizens are complaining about the cost of social programs but still haven't gotten the word that their country is collapsing inward.  The retirement age will be raised from 67-69 to help pay for these wonderful additions to society.    Sweden is GONE and fortunately soon the posing they do about multicultural inclusion will be too.  Many were insufferable to hear from them how bad the rest of us were to not agree with the Swedes.

France - Colonized

"Our country is being religiously colonised, " says French politician.  Well that is rather obvious but at least someone said it.  Expect him to be charged for a hate crime for noticing and saying something that is visible to anyone with eyes and the willingness to uncover them and look.

Merkel Stunned by Italy  - Italy wants Europe to drop migrant system

At least the Italians have had enough if not the Germans.  Merkel committed an atrocity against Europe for facilitating the invasion of the continent with her invitation for migrants.  This really began the flood and the trauma that includes mass rapes, murder, crime of all kinds, and of course the destruction of the social safety net as the costs associated with supporting migrants must be taken from the citizens who are now retiring.  This will result in lower pensions, higher retirement ages, and fewer subsidies.  You get what you vote for if you live in Germany but unfortunately if you are part of the EU you get what Germany votes for and the non elected officials in Brussels.  Here in the USA we call that tyranny.  Call it what you will in Europe.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Defensive Tools

Compact defensive rifles

Stick with the AR or possibly a 9mm carbine such as a Keltec even though it's not high end or supremely reliable it has the benefit of light weight, concealable folding, and almost cheap enough to not worry about damaging it.  It still slings lead.  Another option is to just go for a .22 in an ultra light configuration that you can wear while working. 

In the end it may just pay to improve your handgun skills to the level that within 50 yards you can still do the job of protecting yourself and others in your home.   With that level of skill you can then reduced your carry weight down to less than 2 lbs except for maybe some extra loaded mags.  The choice then is yours.

Civil War USA: Vote or suffer, Congressman Says We are Headed for Civil War

Why Republicans must vote according to Scott Adams

It is a smart observation since the left is now brazen and ready to begin the next stage which is to physically attack Trump supporters on a regular basis.  If this happens it will eventually begin a phase where retaliation becomes justifiable among individuals from each side.  Then it may become a case of open warfare between sides that might resemble the Catholics vs the Protestants in Ireland.  It was heart breaking and it didn't end until the violence finally left both sides tired of the misery associated with it.  

Rep. Steve King Predicts Civil War

USA Invasion Update: Sheriff Won't Cooperate,

Sheriff - won't help guard children

If you've ever been to El Paso you'll know he has little choice in this if he wants to keep his job.  El Paso is almost gone as far as being part of the USA.  I felt out of place there and sensed a subtle resentment as an Anglo.  It is the front line of Mexican invasion and it is almost another part of Mexico.  Those that live there might argue differently since they have all the usual trappings of the USA like chain stores but they also have gangs and serious crime and a huge non-Anglo population.  2010 Census says 67% Native American, Hispanic, and Lationo white as part of the total of 81% white.  The balance of that is 14% non-Hispanic (Anglo) as I was called by some locals.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Fake News: Immigration, Trump on Border Separations, Cohen Denies, Techies on Space Force

 Fake News on Immigration - Lying through their fangs

AP says Trump Twisting Facts
They should know since it is standard in the media to twist them or just plain make it up to suit the agenda.

Cohen Denies Arnold Deal to Take Down Trump

The whole story from the beginning was likely made up in the minds of the reporters.  This is just another spin on it after some of the people accused of doing and saying things now say they didn't.  I don't believe the news reports and will wait to see what happens.  I suggest you do the same.

Techies Claim Trump Wants to Own Space  
Dumb is as dumb does and the left is stupidly attacking everyone who doesn't agree with them.

Of course the snarky little techies of a liberal bent know nothing of the military and believe we can all just get along except of course when it comes to conservatives or Trump supporters.  For those deplorable types they think it is fine to "space them" in the words of Heinlein.  They wouldn't mind getting rid of all of us.  Okay, so rather than some fake news here are some facts.

The oceans are militarized and if it weren't for the US Navy open seas wouldn't exist as China is showing now.  The delusional left won't ever understand that what their beliefs are have to match up with physical reality.  If China dominates space you can expect to be treated like a Chinese Citizen or maybe just not allowed to enter space.   If Russia dominates space you'll have to deal with Oligarchs to land anywhere.  If the EU dominates space well then we'll just have to learn to accept the idea that anything is hate speech and you can be imprisoned for saying anything they don't like.  If the USA dominates space you can bet that the rules will be much more open than all of the aforementioned groups.  And worst of all is the UN because as they have shown it is dominated by Marxists and Dictators since they have the numbers.

The loonie left continues to think their opinion is all that matters and for that they are the ones with the dumb ideas.

Trumpies Under Attack in D.C.

Read this article and you'll see the narrative continues with racism blah blah blah that all the unhinged left says exists.  They keep repeating this as if it were fact but the facts don't exist so this qualifies it as fake news.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Invasion Update: Mexico- flood USA, Italy at Front Line of EU plan to Destroy Europe - blocks ships, Does the West Have the Will to Survive

Mexico Presidential Candidate - Flood the USA

He call it a human right and sounds a lot like a leftist in America.  So everything Americans own is something everyone else in the world has a right to take.  This is a prescription for a disaster.

Italy Blocks Refugee Ships

It is about time some of the politicians in EU countries actually try to protect their own citizens.  It would be sad to see Italy be lost like Sweden or Germany.

Will to Survive - Buchanan

If we don't find the will we will find the outcome is quite unpleasant even for those fools that think it's a great idea.  Many live in places like California and then want to leave when taxes and the quality of life goes away.  Then they stupidly continue in those beliefs in their new location and expect everyone to want the same thing. 

Pandemic Update: Mosquito Virus in Florida

First Known Human Transmission - rash and fever - other concerns unknown

Chinawar: Technology Theft from USA


The Chicom threat is our biggest beyond Iran, North Korea, and even Russia.  We can still mend our problems with the Russians and we have a history of not taking the final step which is direct war.  It seems that the Chicoms are intent on eventually proving themselves by taking down the big dog in the pack.  They are the threat and most of our focus should be on them.

Unhinged Left: Attacking Ice Employees

Names of Agents Released

The left will stop at nothing.  Notice there is no release of names of FBI and Secret Counsel names on the Fake Russian Investigation beyond the published public documents released by the government.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Chicoms in a Wad over Space Force

Chicoms Wedged

All of humanity for space, right.  So were the open seas until the Chicoms began building Islands and grabbing land from other Asian Countries.  China being upset about this only means they wish they had a head start on the USA.  Russia, well that's another matter.  They have the skills and technology but do they have the money.  For that matter does the USA have the money.  Well we can always just print some up right.  Get ready for an exciting ride.

The real question becomes, who would you rather live under PAX USA or PAX China?  I know my answer based on the record since WW2.  It has been at least on a global scale more free than most any time in history.  Remember that the Chicoms control the net, set travel restrictions based on your behavior and many other things.  Think Klingons in Star Trek for poor manners. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Parasites: Mosquito remember odor and swats


You still need repellent and proper clothing to protect yourself from bites. 

Trump is right on Space Force

The media called Reagan a dunce too but time has proven his wisdom and effectiveness. It takes time to develop technology. Star wars, SDI, wasn't a failure. It brought Gorby to realize that the Soviets couldn't match us in this new realm. By 87 the wall was down and the game was over at least for the time being. We've had 30 years of breathing space 16 of which were wasted by two presidents that believed in unilateral disarmament. When Clinton came in he gutted SDI missile defense in favor of Patriot style defense and so that is why even now we only have theatre missile defense and almost nothing to protect against ICBM attacks en masse. Obama did similarly by cutting funding. Our vulnerability is directly traceable to these two geniuses. I'm all for space based energy weapons that knock out launches on the up-phase or can take out satellites if necessary. In hindsight, Eisenhower was right when he thought of creating a space force. We'd own space and despite our flaws, better us than Red Team.

Unhinged Left Update: Fonda, Carrey

Peter Fonda wants Trumps Son in Cage

Why isn't this guy down in Central America giving up his wealth to help these people.  Poser!

Jim Carrey - Hate Art

Why isn't this guy down in Central America giving up his wealth to help these people.  Poser!

Star Wars: U.S. Space Command,

Trump wants Space Force - Russia Warns and complains

So let us get this straight.  The Russians already have a space force and pretend only at defensive capability.  In the new age of energy weapons the line between defensive and offensive weapons is easily crossed much like a handgun can be called defensive in purpose but can easily be used for the opposite purpose.  Space will end up being another place of battle just as Cyber Space has become.  I am surprised that we haven't already set up a separate Cyber Command.

Let me be clear on this.  It's not the best thing to hope for that Space now becomes another battlespace but it is the reality of human existence.    All of this means more money on the Military budget and it means bigger government until it collapses, if ever.    Who knows.  Meanwhile, enjoy your life.  

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Invasion Update USA: Trump says he will stop illegals from Infesting the Country - Left Media Goes Berzerk


The adults that allow the children to travel here illegally should have some responsibility for the separation that the left is complaining about.  This blame includes the Dems that want open borders and the parents that risk the lives of their kids by sending them to invade the country.

Illegal kills two women and dumps them on street  - Miami

Obama's Children Immigration Detention Facility Photos 

Armageddon Bunkers to Protect the Government USA

Save our Politicians

At least we have the comfort of knowing that if they aren't currently in the government they will have to pay for their own bunkers. 

Globalist Update: What is Democracy

What is Democracy

Understand what is going on right now.  We are in a struggle for our existence as a country.  I am saying this for the USA but it also applies to most Western Countries.  Look to the UK or Sweden as an example of what can happen as you lose control of your national destiny when overwhelmed by invaders/refugees. 

Food Supply: Agribusiness and price increases

Bayer and Monsanto Merger

This is why we are all at risk of suffering tragic food supply shortages and dislocations.  Do yourself a favor and learn to produce some of your own food.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Invasion Update: Sweden - beheading for words, O separated Migrant Families, 5 Die in crash of illegals, End of Merkel? , USA 30k border kids by August

Sweden - beheading for words
The joys of multiculturalism.

O separated Migrant Families by thousands of miles 
He did it but the fake news media didn't bother to report it as a problem.

5 Die in crash of illegals
Sheriff wants wall.

End of Merkel?  
It sort of coincides with the end of Germany and Europe thanks to her.

USA 30k border kids by August
Future Democrats voters.  So now you know why the Dems want open borders and allow kids to enter the country alone.  This is madness.

Chinawar: China Holding U.S. Hostages

Hostages via exit ban

Think of China as one big roach motel if you are one of the unlucky ones to be allowed into the country but not allowed to leave.  This is the good example of what tyrannical governments feel free to do. 

Fake News: Media Mistakes

Media Mistakes

Most of these seem intentional.   We actually have a deep state propaganda operation called the mainstream media.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Civil War: Race even in Memorials

Selena Memorial Concert - race

The fires of racial animosity continue long after the ONE is out of office.  He really does have a legacy. 

Pandemic Update: Bird Flu China 38% Death Rate

Bird Flu China 38% Death Rate

If this ever gets across the globe it could be the big one.  It could do the job of wiping out huge amounts of human population.  Such a scourge would be catastrophic for modern life.  Keep this in mind when you make your travel plans to foreign shores.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Invasion Update: Sweden - Call to Prayer, Hungary - Population Replacement Says Orban, Germany - Merkel

Sweden - Gone

One has to wonder what type of infectious brain wasting disease is so prevalent in Sweden that can cause the incredible self immolation they seem bent on accomplishing.  The smug superiority of some of the Swedes I've know regarding their inclusiveness and multicultural virtue signaling will do them no good when it comes down to being overrun.  Sweden is GONE!

Population Replacement Says Orban

He is right.


She has destroyed her country.  Germany is Almost Gone!

Deep State Fix: Comey Absolved

Fixed IG Report

This is why I never had any confidence in what was coming.  Newt even called the IG a "straight shooter" which is deep state lexicon for does what is good for the deep state.  This whole thing is a fraud.  It has been soft pedaled as a mistake without ill intent.  Instead of orange jumpsuits for Comey, et al there will be paychecks from books unless congress starts playing hardball.

100 Nukes are all it takes


Threats of mass starvation and environmental catastrophe are not new.  What is the the number needed to get it done.  They don't mention the size of the nukes so I question this study.  It may be more climate change hysteria.  We all knew we're toast if a nuke war actually goes global.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

How Government Kills for Incorrect Thought - Tommy Robinson

How Government Kills for Incorrect Thought - Tommy Robinson

This is an obvious effort to silence him once and for all and also make it an object lesson for anyone else who gets out of line.  Britain is now officially a totalitarian regime fully equal to anything George Orwell could envision.

Poison Ivy - What to do

Ivy Research

Tyvek is a nice idea since you just dispose of your clothes if you have to remove poison Ivy.  There are treatments at drug stores that supposedly remove the oil that causes the rash.  Whatever you do, don't just let it spread on you.  It can make you miserable.  As a final response, go to the doctor and where they may prescribe steroid pills. 

Grid Collapse: Solar Disruptions - I 95 Insulator

I-95 Bedrock Insulator Risk to power Grid

Just when you thought that the grid risk was EMP from nukes and solar disruptions might be overstated they come up with another angle on it.  For safety to yourself and your family you might want to have alternate sources of light, heat, and electric power.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Civil War USA: Crazy Left - Deniro, Farrakhan, Twitter CEO submits, CNN Gone Wild, Civil War Prediction

De Niro - says F-Trump and Tony Awards

Tough guy says naughty things but  is he really tough.  See what he actually does if things get sporty.  We can expect a lot of these Limousine Lefties to hide in their palatial estates or fly off to their Montana hideaways while us dirt people are left to clean up the mess they started.

Farrakhan Goes on Rant 

 Twitter CEO bows to Crazy Left

This kind of submission is the precursor to round ups.  Ask any survivors in Germany.  First you stop buying at their stores, then comes the Crystal Night where the windows are bricked in a night of rage and we've already seen versions of that as political offices are attacked.  Bakers are forced to make cakes or lose their business.  Now a fast food place whose CEO has some religious beliefs that run counter to the current PC mania is considered so bad that to the crazy left that you can't eat there.  Here a leftist CEO isn't left enough for the crazy left that he has to submit and apologize.

CNN Gone Wild - Blames Voters Again for Trump - not good enough citizens

Now comes the final stage where you do virtual round ups of of incorrect thinkers, normal Americans.  You get your facebook posts scored and scoured, twitter shadow bans you, youtube cancels your account, and over time you can see this spreading out.  Then your job is at risk.  I know people that have been threatened with job loss by their online activities that only consist of commentary.

The eventual outcome is Civil War USA.   The Crazy left is making the move toward this outcome as it eventually runs up against traditional America. 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Invasion Update: Multicul London Stabbing, Toledo Landscapers worried, East Asian Longhorned Ticks

Young father stabbed in London for Rolex

What needs to be said is this.  The young father was unarmed since he was a law abiding British citizen while the others were whatever else they were, from a culture that had no respect for the law.  Advice to other young Brit fathers is don't wear a flashy Rolex and expect to keep it or your life and if you follow the law and stay unarmed it may not matter if you even have a Rolex or avoid bad situations because you are in Khan's London now.  The rules have changed and we like to point out, Britain is Gone.  Keep bringing in more and get more of the same.

Toledo Landscapers

How about those who have lawns that need landscaping pay market rates for legal labor rather than dumping illegals on us that we have to subsidize with housing, medical, food stamps, and school.  All of this so they can get cheap labor and pass along a lower price to those wealthy enough to need landscapers.

Longhorned Ticks

First, how did they get here.  With all the people just hopping aircraft it is entirely possible for a human carrier to have delivered the first ones.  After that the spread can be a car trip away.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Crazy Left: Student Triggered

Triggered at anti Socialist Table

Wow, watch the video and you see what kind of special ones inhabit the left. 

Friday, June 8, 2018

Firearms: Reloading, Registration Confiscation -Cali, Record Background Checks

Reloading - Why and how to.

Cali - police state registration - make no mistakes 

Record background checks

China War: China's Weakness - they are itching to fight a war

China lacks fighting experience

I thought that the Chinese fought U.S. Troops in the Korean War and it cost us a lot of men.  It took threats of a nuclear response to get the Chinese to back off.  We've done a lot to give them our had won and expensively developed technology.  One of the most obvious was under Clinton as they gave away the nuclear triad plans and then helped with guidance technology when their missiles were veering out of control.  For a million dollars in campaign money our country was sold out and no one went to jail for it.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

USA Collapse: RINO Backstabs

RINO Backstabs

Disgraceful but not surprising.  He remains a sellout to the end.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Britain Gone: English Disease

Gender Neutral Skirts for boys in School - English Disease

They used to call it the English Disease in the spy business since so many English men had become used to the company of men while attending boarding schools.  Americans used to joke about it but it was also seen as a major security risk.  Now it is mainstream everywhere apparently.

I guess they can call them kilts.

Privacy: DNA, Facebook

Risk of getting a DNA test

Unreliable results  and unsecured information makes giving out your bio-metric data such as this very risky.

Facebook Data Sharing

Anything you put there isn't totally private.  Remember that.  Expect to see it on the front page of the NYT if you ever become famous.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Financial Collapse and War: Rogers on Gold, Racial Divide

Rogers - buy gold on dips

Buchanan - racial divide

Coup Update: Government Corruption-Obama

Obama - by Dowd - He was too good for us

Here is one of his cheerleaders now trying to make excuses for the clear picture emerging of a corrupt and tilting toward despotic reign of the ONE.  Spying on journalists and opponents in politics alike this administration went well beyond anything found in the Watergate Nixon era.  The only real question here is why isn't this former leader stripped of his pension and given a jump suit for incarceration.   Deep state is the answer as they circle the wagons and this includes Sessions or should we say it begins with Sessions as he is now more the moribund, seemingly dim witted, possibly senile or at least showing signs of cognitive decline.  All that is apparent enough but now we have to conclude after seeing Congressman Gowdy now throw in with the FBI that many are hidden assets in D.C.  Such a spectacle tells you the Deep State has many hidden allies who must be outed.  You begin to wonder if they don't have compromising film on all of these guys.

When Roberts bent over for the Obamacare vote we knew they had some dirty film on him or something equivalent and whether he knew it all along or found out the day he switched his vote doesn't matter.  What matters is that he sold us out like so many others.  At least with McCain we learned long ago he couldn't be trusted but still wonder how voters could send him back for more open borders and anti-American votes.   We now now it was Deep State cash if nothing else that kept him in office.  He was and is until his last bitter breath a sellout to the Internationalists, Globalists, Industrialists, and every other ist you can think of.  As Savage said so perfectly, "Even Benedict Arnold was a Hero before he became a Traitor..."

What we have now is a whole rotten core of traitors who are protected by a ring of traitors throughout the government, media, and many rich self serving manipulators.

America is in a death struggle to bring back some of the founding ideas.  The Deep State is doing what it can do remove the President and bring things back into the direction of Global Tyranny and Open Borders.  Sit back and enjoy the show if you want but educating the youth is what got us here since the left took that mantle and the only way to reverse it is to take that mantle back.  Share your knowledge and point out the discrepancies between what is presented to us and what you know to be true.

Other than that, consider just protecting yourself by preparing for the worst outcome.  EMP, Financial Collapse, or Civil War all come to mind as dangers.  Other secondary but just as perilous are Pandemics, World War, and Racial Antagonism.   All are existential.  Protect yourself as best you can.

A quick list of ways to get this done is below.

Location - Rural to Semi-Rural

Water - Storage and Access

Food - Storage and Production

Energy - Multilayered beginning with the Grid and then to off grid

Income - multiple streams - independent financial resources where possible

Defense - Hardware, Skills, and Gear

No Debt

How the Left Sees what was once called the Tea Party - Tea party Fades


First, we get to how we ended up with the one.  The Republicans put up a loose cannon or as he called himself a maverick.  Yeah, he was that all right.  We had to decide between a street hustler community organizer or a unpredictable and unreliable pretender to statesmanship.    What a choice.   Deep State Operative named McCain would have been our president instead of the ONE.  It would have probably been better but of course we might have gone to war much more readily since he was a known hawk and war lover.  He just had a problem with torture since his days in Hanoi left him bitter and sometimes irrational.  From the looks of it we were pretty much screwed either way.   So we ended up with 4 years of the ONE.


Never mind that the Obama IRS attacked the Tea Party and effectively shut down the Presidential Campaign of the Republicans that could have benefited from the Tea Party support.  This is never mentioned in the media but actually occurred.  It allowed the ONE to grab another term where it is very possible he would have been sent packing.   The Repugs put up a milktoast weenie who seemed to change his positions faster than a wrestler on TV.  Romney was a failure because in the end he had no stones.  Remember when he went limp on stage against the Obama promoting Candy who changed the debate by misstating facts and inserting itself into the debate favoring the ONE.   The Deep State Left Media wins this round.  America loses.  Thus we have Trump as the antidote.    You can bet that Trump would never have let the media pull that crap on him in a debate. 

Thank the left and the Deep State Overreach for bringing us to this point.  Trump at least to be working for Americans rather than everyone else as a recent past leaders have done.  It's hard to agree with everything he does but there is no argument for him having to do the job at all so doing it for Russians or some Payoff makes no sense.  He may be there partially for ego but I have no doubt he is doing it for the country first and foremost.  This is rare and may never happen again in our lifetimes.  Enjoy the show.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Food for Survival: Skillet Stretchers

Skillet stretchers - 

This is a great article on how to expand your pantry to make food more interesting so that you don't get tired of the same old things.  It also breaks down some ways to round out your diet with carbs, fats, and protein with some solid recipes and approaches to seasonings and spices. 

Check out this site for good homesteading and prepping ideas:

Invasion Update: Grooming Gangs - Britain

Robinson Jailed for reporting on grooming gangs in Britain- immigrants

A judge had banned all reporting of this news essentially conforming to Sharia law.  Britain is Gone!


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