Friday, April 5, 2019

U.S. Empire Collapse Update: Where we're headed

Where the world is headed

This article does contain many truths.  One that is apparent is that we have created most of our own problems here in the USA. 

Giving away our technology and manufacturing to foreign sources was crazy and yet we continue it.

Spending well past what even a drunken sailor might consider reasonable is suicidal for an economy yet it continues.

Open borders weren't mentioned but the idea that you can sustain a culture where you replace the existing population with those from other failed cultures is a proven mistake yet there is no end in sight but rather cheerleaders for making it worse.

As for war, we'll have another one soon enough and the question is where it will just put us in our place or destroy us and the rest of the civilized world with it.  That takes a crystal ball to see but you can't know the result other than all Empires fall so our turn is coming.

Pax Americana will end and the question is when and how harshly it happens.

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