Monday, April 22, 2013

Gun Show Strategies for Protecting Your Second Amendment Rights

Guns shows are an essential part of maintaining the 2A.

Gun shows are an original American experience.
I  go to a lot of gun shows and in fact I used to be a  vendor at them and may be again some day.  It is a great hobby and part time business as you'll notice especially in light of the huge surge in demand for gun related products such as ammo, lights, holsters, and myriad assorted and associated products.

Support your local gun shops and traveling vendors by attending gun shows.
While gun shops struggle against the restrictions of governments many of them use gun show set-ups as a way to keep their business alive.  When you go to shows and buy from many of the FFL vendors you help maintain the vitality of the supply chain for firearms and the related products.

Experience freedom and history unlike any other place of commerce.
Get a feel for what is must have been like in a free country as you peruse the one realm of commerce that drives the Big Government types crazy.  Make no mistake that they would like to do away with gun shows because it is where open talk of freedom lives and where the tools that allow such talk are sold and traded.

Information is one of the least expensive products available at gun shows. 
Every weekend somewhere you have a show that comprises a breadth and depth of gun related knowledge not found anywhere else.  Free advice and expert opinion is available at most tables for the asking especially as it relates to their specialty which is described by what they have on the table.  If you have an AR-15 part or add-on question just find someone that sells such items and often in the hopes of selling you their wares they will share specific information that can solve your problems.

Stay up on what shows are coming to towns near you.

Find your local show.  Gun show directory. 

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