Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Side Door and Down the Chimney Gun Registration

The sellout has begun.

Forget the back door.  These guys are coming in through the side door and roof.

I appears some weak kneed Rhino Republicans will give in to the Big Government types in the Democrat party that want gun registration.  They will accomplish this by getting universal background checks and using regulations to start a registry.  Holder can do this by regulation alone.

BATF is photocopying form 4472 records from gun shops.

Missouri gives list of concealed permit holders to federal government despite their own laws preventing such disclosure.

The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act.  (Newspeak effort at misdirection and deception.)

Senators Toomey and Manchin have found a way to assuage their consciences by calling their betrayal of gun owners something other than gun control.  Using the Orwellian or should I say Clintonian doublethink  and doublespeak they have convinced themselves and hope to convince second amendment advocates that they aren't selling them out to the gun control advocates.  Anatomy of a betrayal.

Euphemism on Parade - "Second Amendment Rights Protection Act."  Do they really think anyone paying attention believes this when the objective has been stated clearly by the ruling class to eliminate private ownership of guns.

This is the kind of fool we are dealing with when it comes to discussion of the Second Amendment. 

The Administration has more planned on the gun control front. 

Bishops get in on the act.

Government media complex gets thanks for their propaganda effort to support gun control. 

Can U.N. be used to ban U.S. guns by the left. 

So, will the sellout work or will if fail.  Here is the GOA take on this situation. 

Reid goes Freudian and mentions anti-gun bill.

Blowback on Gun Bans in Northeastern States
Perry Tweets Come on Down to Texas

"If Babies had Guns, they wouldn't be aborted." Rep. Stockman

Shock - Some gun groups sign onto the bill.

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