Monday, April 22, 2013

Life in the USA without the Rule of Law - WROL

 Life is hell without the rule of law and we are headed in that direction.

Uncertainty breeds anxiety.  A breakdown in the rule of law is the ultimate uncertainty.  Right now Americans are under great stress and are snapping.

Here is a list of examples showing that the rule of law is breaking down.  

In most cases it is a conscious decision by government officials to ignore their oaths and the law.
When you have a Federal Government that chooses to ignore the laws protecting us against foreign invasion by large scale illegal immigration you will have many of the offenders scoffing at the law.
 Illegals mock border agents that they will be set free by the President.

When police make their own laws we are in danger.
When the police decide that they can do anything they want as now they are above the law you will find them overbearing. Texas soldier charged with rudely displaying a weapon.  Police are making thing up now when it comes to the law.

When the police run or ignore please for help we are in danger if not armed.
When riots hit and the police in LA effectively went on strike all those slogans about protect and serve tend to lose their sheen.  Add to that all the feel good slogans about stopping gun violence by taking guns away from citizens when the gun may be the only thing that saves you, your home, and your business.
No police during the LA riots to protect you.  Here is a video of a Representative from Utah as he reads letters from constituents about the right to protect yourself with firearms. 

When a person steals it is criminal but when a group is allowed to by the government it is policy.
When the government takes private property and gives it to others while ignoring the law you then have financial tyranny best compared to what a king or an oligarch might do.   GM shareholders are left holding the bag while the unions are handed the company. 

A government that uses the threat of military force to subdue the populace has lost legitimacy.
When the government feels that it can arbitrarily demonstrate its power over us by instituting martial law whenever some minor event comes about it is simply an exercise in conditioning the populace to submit.  Boston is under martial law over one missing bomber and unarmed citizens of Boston are told to hide in their homes.  Do as you are told.

Pictures of Boston under De Facto martial law

 Presidential Order 13063 - Seizing Control

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