Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cultural Rot Indicators - Cinco De Mayo

If you are paying attention to the daily patterns of behavior among near comatose Americans, the average ones, you'll hear stupidity like I did this morning.  Two lawyers on the radio wished each other happy Cinco De Mayo and neither was Mexican or for that matter even from the Southwestern USA where I suppose there is a lot of Mexican influence.   Do you hear Americans in northern areas of the country ever saying happy San Jacinto Day, April 21?  We don't even celebrate VE or VJ day and the Fourth of July has become a day for sales and barbecues.  What does this tell us?

We have lost our culture and appear to be moving toward a De Facto union between Mexico and the USA.  Americans are celebrating the holidays of Mexico even if for now it is simply a marketing ploy to sell alcohol in bars it is something that I doubt you'll find in Mexico to this extent.  Do you think they celebrate Gettysburg or the 4th of July in Mexico City.  I doubt it unless the U.S. Treasury tax credit checks arrive from the USA on that day.

What to glean from this:  We are losing our core culture and it is promulgated by the media either for commercial reasons or political but the result will be the same and that is to reduce the standing of the USA in the world and your quality of life .  Becoming an American Citizen is already viewed as not much different than joining a big box club to most foreigners where you come here to get your special card and discounts.  Instead of discounts you get free food, money, housing, and education while natural born Americans get few of these benefits.

What to do:  Move away from the areas that are becoming too multicultural to support simple things like 4th of July parades and find a place that supports your values.  Even if there is a large scale collapse of the economy or infrastructure there is a better probability that the social cohesion of people like you will stick together and work together.  Unless assimilated, there is no telling what will happen if the SHTF and you live among mostly foreign born migrants both legal and illegal.  Talk like this will be judged racist by the leftists but of course they depend on the constituency of the newly arrived to keep electing their socialist agenda which in the end will be the thing that takes us down.  Move away.
Move away.

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