Monday, April 14, 2014

What if they Nuke a City in the USA?

I found this article and I must assume that the writer lives there since I always through NYC would be the terrorist's first target with D.C. a close second.
Here is what you are supposed to do if they nuke D.C. 
This must mean you live or work there I suppose.
First off I assume you aren't near ground Zero since there would be no point in reading this.  As for the other advice, I guess it makes sense but I have always heard it takes 2 weeks for the radiation to clear.  Either way, if I were in D.C. and saw a bright flash on the Horizon and felt the roar I'd follow the old rule of bending over a kissing my hind parts goodbye.

One would think if any city has protection against nuke attack it would be D.C., or at least I hope so.  I simply can't imagine all those self important, greedy, and power grasping elitists not finding a way to protect themselves first before us.

I'd worry more about contagion.

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