Sunday, April 30, 2017

Training is experience

Getting experience is the best way to insure success down the road.  In the case of survival down-the-road is when the SHTF.  You don't want to do OJT, (on the job training), when your life depends on it.  It is much better to have practical experience behind you to make sure that whatever you do is proven and tested.

The Urgency of Doing: Knowing is not enough
This is a great explanation of the concept of having experience which trumps book knowledge.

Getting experience is a good thing to focus on and here are a few examples.

Water Treatment - Don't have your water filtration system sitting in a box waiting for the day because if that day arrives and you haven't worked with it you may find that a part is missing or there is something critical missing in terms of actual function in whatever system you purchased.  I have a neighbor that bought a gravity fed water filtration system and he keeps it in the box for years waiting for the disaster to strike.  He has no real idea whether it will do the job since he hasn't tried it.  Don't be that guy.  I have a system that I don't need to use but it is part of my daily usage simply because I want to make sure I know and have the experience to back it up.

Self Defense - This is a big one because no one just all of a sudden becomes a weapons master.  It takes training and practice of all kinds including reading and watching videos.  Range time is essential and even with that some practical experience such as on a paintball field or some other simulated combat experience is essential.  Don't just buy a firearms and think you'll master it on the day things fall apart or when the home invasion happens.

Handgun Training 

Cooking Without Electricity - If you have a barbecue grill outside that runs on gas or charcoal you at least have a back-up plan that is relatively easy to guarantee will be available if the grid goes down.  Try it sometime.

Food Storage - Don't just buy some freeze dried foods and figure your problems are solved.  Try some of it even if it means buying single packs to try.  Also, see if you can work canned foods into your diet along with some dried beans, rice, and wheat.

Food Production - Grow some now even if it's just tomato plants bought at the store.  Grow now.

Practice Doing and it becomes experience.  


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