Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Collapse Update: 6 States Ready to Topple

6 States that might Go South
These states have more takers than producers.  One state that I noticed on this list made me wonder.  West Virginia probably has most of the government check takers getting federal benefits that are independent of  state coffers or so that is my thought.  Another thing is that it's not like the cost of living in the Mountaineer State is that high especially since land and homes in general aren't anywhere near the rest of the states at the top of this list.  You can still buy a cheap lot and throw a trailer on it and a satellite dish.  In some places even an outhouse is still the mode of acceptable waste removal.  Crime in WV is nowhere near the rest on the list and I do remember a study a decade or so ago where it had the lowest per capita expenditure on law enforcement while enjoying the second lowest violent crime rate in the country.  Demographics and population density still mean something and both of these still favor the Mountaineer State.  Census info.

What to consider. 

Think of the culture as well as the finances.  The coastal cities are loaded with non-Americans and criminals that will go voracious if things get tough and cutbacks come.  Other places such as West Virginia I just don't see it.  They'll just tighten their belts.  Both Arkansas and West Virginia have low pension deficit ratios compared to some of the biggest offenders like Illinois where corruption rules.  This will bring about lots of pain for the states with those problems.  Again in Arkansas you can get a cheap piece of land and throw a trailer on it and if you stay away from the cities you're okay.  I've been to both places and the lifestyle demands don't match the coastal cesspools.  I'd still say West Virginia is the least likely to go Mad Max, but that's just my opinion.

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