Saturday, December 31, 2016

Threats to your Freedom: Government Media Complex

Government Media Complex

Chuck Todd pontificates on how Trump is a Salesman focused on Popularity
It's great to know how such little minds can formulate their own pitch against the opposition.  Let it be real clear.  Todd is the opposition to the deplorable group of voters that elected Trump.  It is likely he never said the same thing of Bill Clinton who was the perfect example of a snake oil salesman who would do anything for approval.  Trump may be a salesman but he also gave us his word.  If he keeps his word then he has our approval and if he doesn't, well?  Not everything is in his control but if he makes the effort in areas such as building the wall and getting the illegals out of the country then we are better off than we would have been with Hillary by far.  And never forget the Supreme Court Nominees as the most important reason he was elected.  If he sends his list of candidates to the court then we have won a victory.

Even the Media Knows this Russia Story on Hacking is Flimsy
Rolling Stone at least admits this is the equivalent of the Iraq WMD sham.  I never thought that calling Chemical weapons a justification for an invasion made sense.  If you know about chemical weapons you know that they are geographically limited, have a shelf life once used, and are easily outranked by a nuke response.  The government  threw Yellowcake in there to make it appear that Saddam also wanted nukes but it was a really weak connection to say he had nukes or even tried to get them.  Bush and the Globalists wanted Iraq and they got it with the assistance with the hind licking media and here we go again.  In this case Obama is trying to poison the well for Trump in the middle east and torching Israel and making Syria a quagmire that holds on past the failed Obama presidency seems best done by starting a war with Russia, either cold or hot.  Thankfully, so far Putin isn't taking the bait from the shrill little  Mr. mom jeans.

WAPO Bogus Russian Power Grid Attack Story - Fake News
The Post is a political organization with a newsletter that pretends to be a news agency.  It is now mostly Fake News.

Oh, it is fake news.  Retraction and great analysis of it.
WAPO just another FAKE NEWS BLOG

What all this Means 

 Believe nothing you read in the mainstream press and see on TV news.  In fact, you'll be safer if you infer the opposite.  Read alternative news and filter it with your common sense.  One thing you can be sure of and this is to paraphrase George Carlin, "they have a club and you ain't in it."

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