Thursday, December 14, 2017

Corruption in Government: FBI - Tainted

Credibility Gone in Russia Probe

The agents in charge called this Trump Insurance as if they had a working plan to stop him if by chance he won.  You can see it in progress and it stinks.  There is no way a reasonable person could justify this investigation as it stands.  Lots of people should be out of work from this and not the ones on the Trump team based on the lack of evidence.

The problem is that we have open political chicanery during the Obama Administration using the IRS, FBI, and other agencies to crush opposition.  Having lost the election the plan became to disable the incoming administration and if possible remove the President through impeachment.

The end of this is to observe that we are in a post constitutional phase moving toward an Oligarchy of power brokers who aren't elected calling the shots and even going so far as to take down a President.  The minions of these power brokers are the true believers in places like the IRS and FBI and many other agencies.

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