Sunday, September 23, 2012

Can You Hear Me Now? Yes, and a whole lot more.

Apparently U.S. law enforcement is hoping to do so and be able to identify you by voice when they find a call that falls outside of normal chit chat.

Facial recognition is already in the works with a one billion dollar FBI program in the works.

Add to this the 13 ways the government tracks you and it's getting downright hard to stay off the radar.

Finding a GPS tracker on your car.

Cell phone tracking.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Government Ammo Purchases for Domestic Tranquility

This ongoing buildup of ammo purchases well beyond the need for training leads many of us to believe that DHS and other agencies within the USA are planning for martial law.

DHS Orders 200 Million more rounds of ammunition. Since 176, 000 rounds of it are .308 ammo it leads to the question as to what DHS plans to do with it.

This is also why ammo prices in general are continuing to increase.


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