Friday, June 8, 2012

E. Coli Outbreaks

The danger for all of us is contracting an illness that might kill you or severely injure you simply by having a meal at the wrong location or buying tainted food.  Picture yourself losing 50 pounds in 3 months as you lose your appetite and spend most of your day with intestinal discomfort.  For your long term health I'd suggest limiting your meals out to places that you can watch the food begin prepared.  I currently see Subway as my only safe place to eat when traveling.

Aside from that I stick with pasta without meat or pizza without meat.  There are too many ways to lose your life and doing it over a bad meal just isn't worth it.  You can save a lot of money by staying home and making your own food.  In addition by making your effort at self preparation you'll be more independent if the merry-go-round stops. 

Here is another reminder why watching what you eat and where you go to eat is a major part of self preservation. 

E. Coli Outbreak

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