Friday, June 7, 2013

Why Big Government is Attractive - The Land of the Free no more.

Strong Men Lean Conservative While Feminine Men Prefer Big Government - Marxism

We have way too many soft men who then act as if they want a mommie government.  Well, now they have one with a Big Sister and Big Brother to go along with it.  These things that come with big government are the sources of domination and control that will eventually lead to a totalitarian state.  Many would argue that we have already arrived.   The executive branch calls all this nothing but modest encroachments.

Federal snooping has gone to heights even Orwell couldn't envision.  They want to know our prayers.

They can watch you as you type.  Hi guys there at NSA.  Enjoy   Though I don't enjoy this.  It is a sad day to watch us lose our freedoms simply because we have left our borders open and flooded the country with tens of millions of potential enemies and have no way to find them or track them other than to do this to all of us.  How about we shut the borders and evict the squatters that don't belong here and leave us to our freedoms.

It goes down to the state level too.  NY has passed a law to make it a felony to harass a police officer and you know that will be abused.  
If you are comfortable with this level of intrusion and Federal power then you are exactly what a good totalitarian state wants.  Sheep.

How does this impinge on your preparedness?  Trust no one from the government and when you hear a public announcement infer the opposite.   All communications you make, blog posts, and comments online are for future use at your tribunal if we ever get to the end run of this Coup d'Etat by the executive branch.  All purchases you make online or by phone are part of your permanent record including all mail to and from your address.  Did you know the postal service scans all mail front and back and keeps a copy.

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