Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Start Storing Food Now

 Food Supply is dependent on Refrigeration
If the grid goes down or becomes unreliable the food supply may become unreliable as well.  For this reason among many others I suggest putting aside some dried foods, canned foods, and freeze dried long term storage foods.  Most people won't make the effort to grow their own so any storage plan should consider how quickly foods decay if refrigeration is needed but not available.

Add a few cans of beans weekly to your list.  They supply needed protein and carbohydrates combined with fiber.  They store well once opened so you can rely on beans as a daily source of nutrition.  If you don't like the sodium content just rinse the beans before cooking.  I often just eat them cold.

Consider long term food storage such as freeze dried and nitrogen packed meals as only one component of your food storage and you will save lots  of money.  I would build my diet around what you can buy at the store such as dried beans, rice, pasta, and canned items.    These combined with water and freeze dried meals can give you a variety and a lower cost per meal.  Additionally, you will only be adding a small change into your diet if you take this route rather than never eating your long term storage foods and then relying on them as a sole food source.

USA Food Production Down 2% Per Year
This is a prediction of food shortages and starvation due to climate change which is questionable but government interference in the markets is the most likely culprit.  Either way, put away some food.

If a food shortage occurs make sure to maintain security.
If people that are starving know you have food you may be in for the fight of your life.  Keep things quiet about your food supplies both before and during a shortage.

Here is a great article on food storage requirements for nutrition to avoid starvation and malnutrition.

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