Sunday, November 17, 2013

Knockout Game - Coming to Your Neighborhood

Find yourself on the street one day and imagine that going to the grocery store could put you in the sights of a murderous attacker who really is just doing it for kicks.  I have no interest in ending up on the ground for a curb stomping or some other form of entertainment enjoyed by the criminal class. 

Knockout game is nationwide.
Hey, it's fun.  That is what the hoodlums think but when you get cold cocked and pummeled out of nowhere it is no fun at all.

How to protect yourself.  First off, you should be aware of your surroundings and if you hear steps coming up from behind step out of the way and look back well before they are right up on you.    Find a pretext to do so if you must but don't pretend no one is there and wait to find out if you are a target.

Trayvon may have been playing the knockout game. 

Knockout game now in school hallways. 

More attacks in Philly.  

Never walk past or between a group in an environment where you have no help forthcoming if they attack.  I would stop coming forward and move to the other side of the street or turn around.  Don't give them what they want which is you to pretend you don't notice them as a threat since that would be deemed socially offensive.  Think about survival and not good manners.

If you can legally carry weapons do so.  At a minimum I'd carry a walking stick or cane and some type of chemical defense such as Pepper Spray.  If you are allowed to do so where you live you can always get a CCW permit and carry a handgun. 

Watch your back.

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