Monday, November 2, 2015

Eating to live and to survive healthy - post collapse - Junk Food for Survival

I found this article describing the 80/20 rule applied to diet and it makes perfect sense.  Vary your intake in terms of type of food to avoid boredom but also to fill in nutritional needs.  Allow yourself some less than perfect food to enjoy eating and overall it will keep your metabolism in balance. 

Putting away food for the future might also be done in this fashion by adding some comfort foods, and easy to prepare cheap foods that have borderline questionable health value.  Give yourself a break and add some chocolate, cake mixes, pop tarts, and whatever else you like to your storage efforts.  I think some twinkies might even be a good idea.  I myself prefer creme filled oatmeal cookies and fig bars.  Store it all and enjoy.  The nice thing is that you can tap these stores and update them as part of your regular diet.  Sure, have all those freeze dried food supply buckets but have that as your last line of defense rather than your only one.  Those are much more expensive and full of sodium while not really pleasing the palate like a good serving of mac and cheese might do.  Put away all of these and feel comfortable in knowing you can always get a chocolate rush even when all is lost.  That's my plan.

Pizza anyone?

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