Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Don't worry about the law

@Unless you're an average citizen.

This is the message we received today from a clearly compromised FBI.

The same rules applied to someone of lesser position seem to justify prosecution.

A different set of rules for our betters.

The truth is that we are all at risk of punishment for minor infractions that don't apply to special groups such as illegals.  You try using a fake ID and see how easy they go on you.  If you came here illegally such a violation won't even be considered a problem.  The IRS is okay with fake social security numbers from illegals.

Government officials routinely get a free pass on infractions that might land you and me in jail.  It all depends on who you know and how important your friends are.

What to know:  We are in a post constitutional period where the old rules no longer apply.  The leader of our country routinely ignores the constitution and makes regular decrees that in the past would have resulted in impeachment.

The weapons of government are applied against citizens who dare to disagree.  So take note and if you publicly disagree don't be surprised if you fall under the glare of a malevolent government.

Vote like it matters just to keep your conscience clear if times get sporty and it becomes necessary to resist when all other options are exhausted. 

Meanwhile, live life as if it might end tomorrow.

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