Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Coming Xprez has racked up a list of damage to USA

Leader of the Crazy Left and his damage to the USA
10 ways Barak Obama Broke the US system  - Read this list and your stomach will churn.

Another Angle on it below.

He worked hard at it but the damage done to the country is substantial.  Out of it some good things came.  Lots of indolent and seemingly stupid Americans realized that despite their delusional leftist voting patterns they were heading into the abyss of financial destruction if they stayed with the current group of crooks in charge.

On balance, it seems that the hardest thing to repair might be racial relations since this is the first time in memory we had a race-baiter using the bully pulpit to foment hatred between races and against the police.  It has cost many lives.

The Middle East is a mess thanks to the meddling Muslim favoring operative.  Iran will have nukes and has plenty of cash to buy the needed technology and materials thanks to midnight cash flights.  This may cost millions of lives.

The country is awash in disease and crime thanks to the flood of criminal aliens allowed into the country and those released from prison by the dear leader.  Many Americans have paid with their lives.

IRS agents targeted conservative groups.  No one has gone to jail thanks to the cover up and lack of effort by the justice department.  American freedom and the rule of law is now in doubt.  Someone must go to jail for all this, but it is doubtful if anyone will.

The Risk of Civil War

This is the biggest risk.  The crazy left is so insane that Trump won that they are preparing to fight in the streets.  They've already shown willingness to physically attack anyone deemed a Trump supporter.  Watch your six.  Remain circumspect in your opinions if you value your health.

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