Wednesday, April 3, 2019

WW3 Risk: Venezuela

Russia - China Converge in Venezuela

The risk is obvious to anyone that has heard the news.  The writer had me in agreement right up until he mentioned climate change as the hinge-point.  It immediately positions the writer as not not serious when trying to infect an argument with a specious argument.  Why not add in Mars colonization as another cause or maybe UFO interference.

Columbia Warns Russia as Venezuelans storm border in desperation

This whole situation of course can be blamed on international Marxist philosophy.  They have ruined another perfectly good country with promises of land reform and spreading the wealth around.  Government nationalization of industries is usually the final nail in the coffin as production stops and goods dry up.  Printing money then throws the dirt on the coffin while the people inside struggle for air.

Add to this a very ham handed approach to the problem down there by the U.S. Administration.  They made threats and at the same time offered aid.  Now the Chicoms and Russians see the opening to rattle our cage in our hemisphere.  Is war ahead.  Even chance.

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