Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nuke War with North Korea - EMP Risk

This is not a comforting time.   The risk of nuclear war appears higher now than any time since the 1960's and early 70's.  We have a leader newly in charge in North Korea that appears intent to prove himself.  Those of you that have never lived under the threat of annihilation from nuclear attack can now get a small taste of what many of us lived through throughout the 50's, 60's, and 70's.  We got used to it and back then we didn't even have to worry about half measure attacks that only destroyed our electrical grid.

Our military experts are worried about the EMP risk due to a space vehicle capability that North Korea has developed. 

If North Korea gets the ball rolling with some form of attack it is possible that either they, China, or Russia might decide it is time to put the USA into second tier status by pulling off an EMP attack designed to destroy the electrical grid throughout the US mainland.  Yes, we could retaliate with sub based attacks against military targets but it wouldn't change the outcome for the devastated US population.  This could destroy our way of life.

To prepare for this I'd get a non electric lifestyle into place that includes lamp oil, candles, cooking fuel, wood stoves, your bicycle, and a good pair of walking shoes.  Food storage for up to at least 6 months might make sense seeing as how there might be no food deliveries for that long or longer. 

You can always store batteries and electrical devices designed to run on them in a Faraday cage with hopes of still using your CD player or computer.   These would be my last concern.

Finally, if you voted for the people in power in the USA right now including a president that cancelled development and implementation of missile defense then you have yourself to blame for this predicament.  It is a blind religious belief on the part of the left that somehow defense is provocative and as a result we have school kids gunned down in gun free zones and a country without a completed anti ballistic missile defense system.  A missile defense is no different than a bullet resistant vest that the police and politicians wear.  It is there to improve your chances of surviving an attack.  As of now, we can only protect a few cities according to military experts.  We have no shield to protect the whole continental United States.

Wow, what a revelation.  This is something must of us already knew.

A U.S. General admits that North Korea has missile capable nukes.

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