Friday, May 30, 2014

Sitrep: Food Prices UP, Crime Against the Vulnerable

World Food Banks Warns of Rising Food Prices
If you haven't put aside a good amount of food by now to at least get you a start for a shortage or rationing now might be a good time.  Who knows where this will lead but I can see our stupid politicians giving food away produced here to foreign countries while we struggle to survive and pay for it here.  Only the food stampers will do well when things get ugly.

Teen Girls Gang Raped and Hanged in India
If you think humanity has evolved just keep your eye on this kind of news.  We're bringing in many immigrants into the USA from countries with this type of mentality.  As our culture recedes and become more bestial you would do best to prepare for it.  You know what that means don't you.  Get armed and get trained.  Locate in a place where this is less likely and this generally means finding a place that supports your values.

100 Year Old Veteran Robbed at Gunpoint
Criminals always go for the soft target and this is no different.  The poor guy was clearly targeted as an easy mark and thankfully they didn't shoot or beat him.  How do you think you'll be treated in your declining years as infirmity makes you vulnerable.  Look around and expect the same treatment you receive in traffic.

Racial Divide Widens as Teachers Abuse Students About White Privilege
This aggressive move toward reeducation of students and their view of the world will do nothing to help racial problems in the USA.

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