Sunday, May 25, 2014

Vienna Sausage in a Can - Poor Man's Survival Food

I always throw a can of Libby's Vienna Sausage in my food cooler or travel pack since it carries enough calories in the form of protein and fat to keep you going.  It is dense and simple.  Admittedly, I wouldn't make this my primary diet but it offers something that many foods don't for this purpose.  First off, you can open it without a can opener since it has a pull top with a tab on it.  The cost is very low relative to many foods and it compares favorably against any fast food options.  Each can holds a number of links that individually could be given to part of a group, squad, travel mate, or your dog that can block hunger and lift energy levels.  It has sodium in moderate amounts for canned meat but if you are undergoing hard physical activity it may serve to replace electrolyte loss that includes sodium.

The other meats are examples of your options for medium term protein storage.  Variety is also an excellent approach to avoiding getting bored with a very limited diet.   I find the Vienna Sausage one of the most convenient throw in the bag travel food since it is cheap, safe, and not messy.  A plastic fork will get you through the can and it is easy to share this.  Some don't find it appetizing at all so as usual personal taste comes into it. 

A final note on this for the health fanatics that wouldn't touch these is to train yourself to get used to the idea of worrying about surviving into the next week rather than thinking about long term health.  If things go sideways most people will be worried about day to day existence, not what their cholesterol level is.  The key word is moderation so only try this as a snack food now and then.  Compare it to fast food minus the risk of bacterial infection that comes with any food handled by others.  I've never gotten sick eating out of a can.

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