Thursday, August 13, 2015

Bio Terror, Bio War, Infectious Diseases, and Immigration

Scientists waking up 30k year old giant virus.
No problem here right.  Crazy fools.

Alzheimer's can be transmitted between humans.
Now even going to the dentist can give you this dreaded disease.

Super GM can be the Genie that finally gets out of the bottle.

Another aspect of Bio War is the importation of illegal aliens who are untested for disease to come and live in the country and infect citizens.  This is already in progress as many new infectious diseases have gained a foothold in the USA.  Infectious diseases spread in the Southern US. 

Tick bite leads to amputations.
To those who think ticks are just a nuisance think again.  They now carry a multitude of diseases that are not only infectious but can disabling and deadly.  Precautions are worth taking but the truth is that even with precautions about the only way to avoid them completely is live in the city and don't own pets that travel outside, or maybe live in the desert.  Beyond that, if you are bitten and get any symptoms do not hesitate to go to the doctor and find one that will take you seriously.  Many doctors are house cats that know nothing of the outdoors and therefore have no understanding of this risk and based on experience know very little about these tick borne diseases.

Head lice now resistant to treatment in 25 states. 

2nd Yosemite tourist gets the plague.


Germany faces its own flood of humanity.
Europe will pay for the attitude it used to display toward anti-immigrant policies of other countries as it now must suffer the cost, dislocation, and eventual disintegration caused by uncontrolled immigration.  Expect much strife just as France has seen.

Illegal immigration surges again into the US with no border security.
The plan is in full swing as new voters arrive with increasing intensity.  The cost will be borne by the citizens who must accept a lower standard of living to pay for the new special interest groups meant to be voting in coming elections.

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