Sunday, August 30, 2015

Disaster - Coming soon to the USA

Super Rich setting up their escape plans
The Brits call them boltholes, a place to use as a hideout, while here in the USA I guess we call them hideouts, safe houses, havens, or most appropriately, survival retreats.   The purpose is for those super rich to escape with their looted booty and find a place to hide while the masses do each other and turn their ire on those of the 1% super rich who stayed behind.  I can't say I blame them simply because in many cases their fear is justified based as much on their prior rapacious acts as well as just plain old human envy.  Still, the politicians who were part of the "plunder and deceit," would deserve special attention.  I've often thought that many of them would just hop their rooftop helicopters and fly to the airport and then Davos where they can hang out with their Bildergerg Buddies as the rest of us are starved during the die off if economic calamity occurs. 

80 Year old woman trampled in Venezuela Food Stampede
If things get tight it can happen here.  Just look at Wally World on Christmas so add food shortages to the list and factor it out.

Armed patrols and searches for public transport in Europe after Foiled Attack  
Expect checkpoints everywhere and car searches done randomly will become a fact of life thanks to the flood in foreigners who are not even vetted before entry.  That of course doesn't take into account open borders for illegals.  The USA is looking more and more like a prison camp.

Our leaders are chosen for us. 
One of the contenders for the Democrat Nomination has essentially said it is rigged in favor of  you know who, the liar as she is commonly known.  On the other side of the non contest the "illegal immigration is an act of love," guy can't seem to gain traction but still expects to be the anointed one simply due to family tradition and big money donors.  Stalin and Mao would appreciate the comedy. 

The Stench of Hollywood - Still Raving about the One

NSA data collection continues with nod from court
What is there to say but WOW!!   No privacy, and no expectation of it all to protect us from those that are allowed to enter the country against the wishes of American Citizens. WOW

Personal Disasters

This story of Glock lawsuits and the struggle for ownership of the company is a good example of why getting married can be very costly.  Explain how the guy who created and built the product and company should lose it to an X.  

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