Monday, January 25, 2016

Pandemic Update: Zika, the new benefit of open borders, Mosquito Vector diseases rampant in USA

Multiple cases of Zika in USA 12+

Birth defects from Zika virus a big concern 

Zika travel warning and spreading fast 

Zika Virus, Wolf in Sheeps Clothing 

Zika to Spread Throughout Americas

The next big JOY coming out of the 3rd World to your neighborhood is the Zika Virus.  Though it is transmitted by mosquito the obvious fast movement of it throughout the world is by air travel of infected individuals.  Admittedly, there are many stupid Westerners who think they are Indiana Jones and travel to these places where incurable infectious diseases are rampant but also the unending flood of migrants and refugees is fueling the spread of disease.  There are few places left in the USA that do not have mosquito present and with easy movement of goods into port and by truck the introduction of the right kind of bugs only increases the risk that someday you'll be exposed to something.

A short list of mosquito borne infections now moving through the USA that includes Malaria, Dengue Fever, Rift Valley Fever, Yellow Fever, Chikungunya, and now Zika Virus.

Below are some more links to Mosquito diseases listed by the State of Minnesota.   You think Minnesota and you think cold, but there are mosquito there just like in Alaska.  mosquito borne infections

La Crosse Encephalitis (LAC), 

Jamestown Canyon Virus (JCV) 

St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE)

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)

Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE)

State Information.  Florida Mosquito Info.  

What can you do and where can you live to avoid these.

I have to say that the presence of mosquito is probably everywhere but I have visited places where they seem unknown or very limited.  High altitude areas with bitter winters seems to work well though I'm not saying go live in the Mountains just for that reason.   I noticed that even in the hills of the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains you can find mosquito if you're near a water source while up high where no water stays put I never saw any.  The desert also works except now that men have put in swimming pools and landscaping that makes it possible for the mosquito to thrive in arid climates you really need to pick a place where few standing water locations exist.  Arizona desert maybe.

We once had this situation under control but since the introduction of uncontrolled immigration since 1965 the flow of disease has matched the flow of people.   Welcome to the new world.

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