Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Licking China's Boots - The Future?

China New Years Speech

You can thank Nixon for opening up China to the West.   You can thank Reagan for an amnesty that may yet be repeated.  You can thank Carter for giving away many assets and reducing our position in the Middle East.  You can thank Clinton for selling off industry and weapons technology to China for campaign donations.  A lot of that technology has made it to North Korea.  You can thank both Bushes for sitting on their hands and giving away industry while giving access to our markets while we were losing jobs and frozen out of many foreign ports.  You can thank Obama for his boot licking bow to everyone he could outside the USA while simultaneously stomping his high heels on American dissent.  He gave away everything he could legally and illegally while still avoiding impeachment and prison.  Iran found his cash payments very helpful in the furtherance of international terrorism.  Trump at least is the first President in modern history to  act as if he has our interests in mind. 

Sadly it may be too late for our country to do anything but try to avoid collapse thanks for the fools in congress and our various presidents that gave away all our advantages and paid borrowed cash to other countries in the form of aid.  Wasteful military adventures finished the job or almost finished it.  We're still in Afghanistan almost twenty years later with no end in sight unless we just leave.

China has plans and those plans are to assume the hegemonic role once held by Pax Americana.  As bad as we've handled it you can expect that a communist state with global sway will not be pleasant for many Western Countries.  Many previously hostile countries to the USA may yet wish they had chosen our team, team USA.

What to do:  Get your stomach ready for some embarrassing moments in the future as US prestige continues to decline despite the efforts to bring it back.  It looks as if the die is cast on this decline so the only thing seemingly possible is to avoid catastrophe.  Even that may only be a prelude to WW3.

Rule number one is protect yourself and live a good life if possible.

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