Sunday, June 3, 2018

Coup Update: Government Corruption-Obama

Obama - by Dowd - He was too good for us

Here is one of his cheerleaders now trying to make excuses for the clear picture emerging of a corrupt and tilting toward despotic reign of the ONE.  Spying on journalists and opponents in politics alike this administration went well beyond anything found in the Watergate Nixon era.  The only real question here is why isn't this former leader stripped of his pension and given a jump suit for incarceration.   Deep state is the answer as they circle the wagons and this includes Sessions or should we say it begins with Sessions as he is now more the moribund, seemingly dim witted, possibly senile or at least showing signs of cognitive decline.  All that is apparent enough but now we have to conclude after seeing Congressman Gowdy now throw in with the FBI that many are hidden assets in D.C.  Such a spectacle tells you the Deep State has many hidden allies who must be outed.  You begin to wonder if they don't have compromising film on all of these guys.

When Roberts bent over for the Obamacare vote we knew they had some dirty film on him or something equivalent and whether he knew it all along or found out the day he switched his vote doesn't matter.  What matters is that he sold us out like so many others.  At least with McCain we learned long ago he couldn't be trusted but still wonder how voters could send him back for more open borders and anti-American votes.   We now now it was Deep State cash if nothing else that kept him in office.  He was and is until his last bitter breath a sellout to the Internationalists, Globalists, Industrialists, and every other ist you can think of.  As Savage said so perfectly, "Even Benedict Arnold was a Hero before he became a Traitor..."

What we have now is a whole rotten core of traitors who are protected by a ring of traitors throughout the government, media, and many rich self serving manipulators.

America is in a death struggle to bring back some of the founding ideas.  The Deep State is doing what it can do remove the President and bring things back into the direction of Global Tyranny and Open Borders.  Sit back and enjoy the show if you want but educating the youth is what got us here since the left took that mantle and the only way to reverse it is to take that mantle back.  Share your knowledge and point out the discrepancies between what is presented to us and what you know to be true.

Other than that, consider just protecting yourself by preparing for the worst outcome.  EMP, Financial Collapse, or Civil War all come to mind as dangers.  Other secondary but just as perilous are Pandemics, World War, and Racial Antagonism.   All are existential.  Protect yourself as best you can.

A quick list of ways to get this done is below.

Location - Rural to Semi-Rural

Water - Storage and Access

Food - Storage and Production

Energy - Multilayered beginning with the Grid and then to off grid

Income - multiple streams - independent financial resources where possible

Defense - Hardware, Skills, and Gear

No Debt

How the Left Sees what was once called the Tea Party - Tea party Fades


First, we get to how we ended up with the one.  The Republicans put up a loose cannon or as he called himself a maverick.  Yeah, he was that all right.  We had to decide between a street hustler community organizer or a unpredictable and unreliable pretender to statesmanship.    What a choice.   Deep State Operative named McCain would have been our president instead of the ONE.  It would have probably been better but of course we might have gone to war much more readily since he was a known hawk and war lover.  He just had a problem with torture since his days in Hanoi left him bitter and sometimes irrational.  From the looks of it we were pretty much screwed either way.   So we ended up with 4 years of the ONE.


Never mind that the Obama IRS attacked the Tea Party and effectively shut down the Presidential Campaign of the Republicans that could have benefited from the Tea Party support.  This is never mentioned in the media but actually occurred.  It allowed the ONE to grab another term where it is very possible he would have been sent packing.   The Repugs put up a milktoast weenie who seemed to change his positions faster than a wrestler on TV.  Romney was a failure because in the end he had no stones.  Remember when he went limp on stage against the Obama promoting Candy who changed the debate by misstating facts and inserting itself into the debate favoring the ONE.   The Deep State Left Media wins this round.  America loses.  Thus we have Trump as the antidote.    You can bet that Trump would never have let the media pull that crap on him in a debate. 

Thank the left and the Deep State Overreach for bringing us to this point.  Trump at least to be working for Americans rather than everyone else as a recent past leaders have done.  It's hard to agree with everything he does but there is no argument for him having to do the job at all so doing it for Russians or some Payoff makes no sense.  He may be there partially for ego but I have no doubt he is doing it for the country first and foremost.  This is rare and may never happen again in our lifetimes.  Enjoy the show.

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