Saturday, June 23, 2018

Fake News: Immigration, Trump on Border Separations, Cohen Denies, Techies on Space Force

 Fake News on Immigration - Lying through their fangs

AP says Trump Twisting Facts
They should know since it is standard in the media to twist them or just plain make it up to suit the agenda.

Cohen Denies Arnold Deal to Take Down Trump

The whole story from the beginning was likely made up in the minds of the reporters.  This is just another spin on it after some of the people accused of doing and saying things now say they didn't.  I don't believe the news reports and will wait to see what happens.  I suggest you do the same.

Techies Claim Trump Wants to Own Space  
Dumb is as dumb does and the left is stupidly attacking everyone who doesn't agree with them.

Of course the snarky little techies of a liberal bent know nothing of the military and believe we can all just get along except of course when it comes to conservatives or Trump supporters.  For those deplorable types they think it is fine to "space them" in the words of Heinlein.  They wouldn't mind getting rid of all of us.  Okay, so rather than some fake news here are some facts.

The oceans are militarized and if it weren't for the US Navy open seas wouldn't exist as China is showing now.  The delusional left won't ever understand that what their beliefs are have to match up with physical reality.  If China dominates space you can expect to be treated like a Chinese Citizen or maybe just not allowed to enter space.   If Russia dominates space you'll have to deal with Oligarchs to land anywhere.  If the EU dominates space well then we'll just have to learn to accept the idea that anything is hate speech and you can be imprisoned for saying anything they don't like.  If the USA dominates space you can bet that the rules will be much more open than all of the aforementioned groups.  And worst of all is the UN because as they have shown it is dominated by Marxists and Dictators since they have the numbers.

The loonie left continues to think their opinion is all that matters and for that they are the ones with the dumb ideas.

Trumpies Under Attack in D.C.

Read this article and you'll see the narrative continues with racism blah blah blah that all the unhinged left says exists.  They keep repeating this as if it were fact but the facts don't exist so this qualifies it as fake news.

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