Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Health: Your biggest survival tool: Digestion, Protecting Your Heart

If you don't have your health in the event of hard times your personal challenges will be more difficult than most.  Here are some ideas for maintaining your health in peak form.

Digestion and the leaky gut syndrome
Eating well nowadays is more difficult if you eat out or stay with prepared foods.  Supplements are a big advantage and this approach to maintaining your digestion.  If your stomach shuts down you'll soon see how it can make life difficult.

Good bacteria in the gut helps fight cancer
This adds more good news to maintaining digestive health.

Heart Disease: How to avoid standard medical treatments that can kill you.
Take some steps now such as exercise and diet to improve your odds.

Water can kill you  as the disease found in water in the Midwest demonstrates.  Water filtration is a safe way to take in the most second important thing in life other than the air we breathe.

Check into a hotel and risk your life.  
The days of safety in travel are over and if you think the experts really care about your health you are sadly mistaken.  Here a family is facing extinction simply because of the use of a deadly pesticide that has been known to be toxic and lethal for many years.  I think I'd rather sleep in a tent and cope with the bugs and elements.

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