Thursday, October 6, 2016

Invasion Update: ISIS calls for random attacks everywhere

ISIS coming to your neighborhood soon.

It is great to know our dear leader is intent on bringing in as many potential terrorists as possible.  We know that the well being of the country and Americans is last on his list.

Our other anti-American waiting in the wings in between convulsion episodes has promised to ramp up our invasion 500% so expect Europe writ large if she wins.  We have guns here so the street level of violence will probably escalate rapidly as the wonderful alien extremists decide to grope, rape, and slash their way through the country.  To think that citizens will sit back and let it happen to them without arming up is not realistic here so expect the stumbler/head-shaker to work for a gun ban and ammo ban if she wins.

As for the other guy, the Billionaire.  He promises to stop the madness of open borders and refugee flooding of our towns.  We can hope he holds true to his word.  I will have to trust the guy who says what we want to hear and hope that his word is good. 

(His stance on guns sounds strong but so was Bush 41 until he implemented an assault weapon import ban and dropped his NRA membership once he scammed his way into office.  Bush's son was no better on many issues.  I wouldn't wipe myself on a Bush which is why his weak chin BRO got nowhere because they are known deceivers and establishment pukes and globalist sellouts.   Most conservatives are tired of the fraud that the Republicrats kept playing on them.  Thus Mr. T)
What to DO:  Arm Up, Train, and Vote.  If you don't vote don't complain.  Admittedly, voting only seems to matter a bit.  Do it to clear your conscience if nothing else.

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