Saturday, February 11, 2017

Invasion Update: We demand our Rights - Mexicans vow court fights, Raw Brains Smuggled

Mexican vow court fights

So they demand their rights, you know those invaders who destroy the rights of citizens every time they fake an ID, take benefits better spent on Americans, or commit a violent crime against them.  The mental illness of the left thinks that anyone who suggests this is wrong is a hater and a racist will be the equivalent of the Euro Girls who stood there at train stations and airports with welcome signs as their future rapists arrived.  Many of these same girls are now cringing in terror afraid to go out at night for fear of sexual assault.  Yet, most will not make the connection between their behavior and the outcome.  You know, they voted for this and applauded this.  When their turn comes to put on the Burqa they might even think it is a noble thing to reduce themselves down and submit to the superior cultures from the East.

Now it is our turn.  We have unhinged, deranged, and brain rotted fools working nonstop to flood the country with takers and criminals.  Even so called members of the intelligentsia like this fellow traveler of the left thinks it is better to just get rid of us worthless Americans.  Do you think people like this really are Americans?  They belong to the citizen of the world cadre that think as long as they are on top it really doesn't matter what goes one below them.   Of course a lot of ignorant and simple minded dupes just parrot the multicultural mantra while the burn, destroy, and attempt to silence anyone that objects to this invasion and the cost in money and culture.

We have a struggle on our hands.

Raw Brains smuggled  - Welcome to the new America where all kinds of depravity are welcome.  Notice they wouldn't even tell us her country of origin.  Monkey Brains and Yellow Fever

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