Thursday, December 28, 2017

How to Survive Global Warming - During a Cold Blast

 Ice Age Temps 2018

Trump Trolls Climate Trolls and Loons

Global Freezing NYE

Bitter Cold

Global Warming/Climate Change - Winter Freeze
I enjoyed seeing comments from leftist Warmist types that still prattle on about climate change and global warming as something we must act on.  It really carries no strength in their argument when the temperatures are breaking records for cold in much of the USA.  In fact, talk of another mini-ice-age are beginning again, and complaints from the left are that yeah well, but when that happens and is over we'll be back to warming again.  Whatever!

So for us rational types here is my suggestion for handling the brittle cold especially if you're in an older home with insulation issues, you have trouble keeping the place warm, and if you're worried about massive energy bills.  Never mind what you'll do if the power goes away.

First.  think insulation and triage.  If you have rooms at the end of the house or mobile home that don't have plumbing and can let the temps get much lower there just close them up and consider those rooms another massive wall space of insulation.  On the doors leading to those rooms you can tape on radiant barrier.  You can also use radiant barrier to put behind furniture or even cover walls if you don't care about the look.  In a utility room this is usually no problem.  I use Reflectix for that.

Here is where to get it.

Reflectix  at Lowes

You can also find Radiant Guard online.
Radiant Guard looks useful as well though it is designed for attics and crawl spaces.  Reflectix doesn't breathe so keep that in mind.  I've used it for decades to keep cabins warm in super cold winters.  Unlike fiberglass you don't have the issues with rodents making nests in it and risk of glass particles in the air or in your eyes.

As for heat sources.  Start with your main heat sources and add backups such as oil lamps, kerosene heaters, and propane portable heaters.  If you want to go all out add a wood stove, pellet stove, or propane space heater as back-ups when the power is out.

Bitter Cold in Midwest and North East Coast of USA 
I think the new tune you might sing if you live in the areas under the freeze is

I'm Walking on Sunshine 

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