Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Climate Update: Global Cooling

Bitter Cold Winters Coming

Amidst the manic concern about climate change is a fact that can't be ignored.  When solar activity drops so do the temperatures.  If we are moving into a cooling period then the worriers about warming should drop that idea and be happy if we even nudged things up 1 degree planet wide for it might save millions of lives.  Food shortages could be headed our way along with so many other concerns that relate to energy requirements and ability to live.  We'll see if it hits us with this form of climate change that has nothing to do with anything man made but rather sun made.  If it does happen in this fashion you can bet that people living in the South will be getting a lot more company down there to join them.  As for the Warmists among us, hold onto your Sun Hats because things may get frosty.  Me, I'm getting out the wool.  You can't hide from the cold.

Proviso:  I'm happy to call myself an environmentalist but climate change is contained within a whole different sphere of thought unless you count deforestation and desertification.  Let's not destroy the ecosystem, sure I can agree with that.  If you want to get a good start on it how about curbing population growth and don't complaint to advanced countries on that but rather consider what migration and propagation of huge numbers of people in the less advanced countries will do to the load on the environment.  

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