Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Simple Rules on How to Survive: Don't walk into Lion Enclosures, Don't hold currency, Don't speak to Special Prosecutors, Don't open your borders

Elderly Man Dragged Off By Lion

Read the comments and you'll see that few people see the point of killing a wild animal for doing what it was born to do and that is to attack prey.  If you walk into a lion enclosure or in an area in the bush that has them you are now on the menu.   He was the owner of the place so he should have known and possibly felt complacency after long term exposure to the risks.
Simple Rule:  Don't do that.

Severance Pay in Argentina buys a cup of Coffee

Don't ever think that the currency you have issued by a country is going to be worth anything as long as they can debase it.  Don't trust the companies you work for since they are companies and not people.  You're one step removed from those in charge since you are just an employee.  Finally, the question that should be asked of every one of these people in Argentina is whether they voted and supported the move toward socialist state control of the economy.  If they answer is yes then they got what they voted for and if no the follow up question should be why didn't you leave.
Simple Rule:  Don't rely on currency but for day to day transactions and never savings.  Hold precious metals, productive land in a safe place, and hold a passport that allows you to leave.

Speaking to Prosecutors can get you impeached

Trump is facing questions from the hired hangman called a special prosecutor.   Similar situations come up daily where people talk to authorities knowing they are innocent and yet are hanged by their own words innocent or not, and lying or not.
Simple Rule:  Don't talk to these guys and take the fifth if you must but never let them get between you and your lawyer.

Importing Millions can Lose you your Home

So now Turkey wants to criminalize criticism of Islam which on the face of it doesn't seem out of line with the hate speech codes already strictly enforced by crazed leftist controllers against citizens.  Europe will some day bow down to Sharia and those leftists will be the first in line for the compost heap when the Caliphate runs the show.
Here is an example of the Delusion and he keeps getting voted in.   Macron blames Europe. 
Simple Rule:  Keep your borders closed, protect your citizens from invasion, and never vote for progressives.  Since this won't happen your best bet is to keep a passport ready and land in a place where such madness is mocked rather than a social justice luxury.
Majority in poll thinks integration of migrants unsuccessful.  73 percent in Sweden.
This deserves smiley faces.  😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
And a comment:  No Sh_______t Sherlock.

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