Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Financial Collapse Update

 When the currency collapses.
This little article only briefly talks about why guns, ammo, and precious metals are a good place to protect yourself.  Buy ammo when you can find it, but guns that you will use, and silver scrap.  My own preference is toward lead over silver since lead you can trade, shoot, and though you can't eat it, you can feed it to others when they ask for it.

China and Japan Still Dumping U.S. Debt
Europe picked it up so we're still good right?  Yes, and we believe in tooth fairies don't we.  They are papering over what appears to be a general collapse in confidence of the US Dollar with good cause I might add.    Suggestion:  Forget paper of any kind including stock certificates and buy food, lead, silver, and gold in that order.

Hyperinflation Predicted
If it ever happens here expect calamity across the country and eventually to other parts of the world.  The one thing you can count on is that your standard of living will go downward for decades.

Stockman says it will be catastrophic.
He may be right and when is the only true question.  We know they are debasing the currency and just adding zeroes and lending to themselves with U.S. citizens as the guarantors.  So if all this adds up to to Weimar Republic wheelbarrows full of paper that used to be worth something then the obvious thing is to buy hard assets that include your shelter, food, vehicle, guns, ammo, and gold.

California plan to spit into 6 states gains ground
If Democrats gain more senate seats out of this you can be sure they will go along with it.  Republicans will go along with it no matter how bad a deal it is for them.  The thing about this is that it tells us that the stability of the social contract is tenuous and under extreme pressure.  People are tired of dealing with centralized planners and do good fantasies while they have trouble making car payments.  Make no mistake, this is as much about money as anything.

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