Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tyranny Indicator -Government Controlled News

Obama Administration pressured press to control news.
This ominous level of aggressive control of information is just like what goes on in China and Russia.

Political Officers in the Newsroom
They don't spin it that way and instead the FCC says it is only doing this to find out how to enhance minority participation in media ownership.  Hand picked commissars will find their way into the news rooms of print media if the FCC gets to institute the desire of many Democrats.  This is another indicator that we are well on the way to total disinformation from the so called free press.  Now the government is brazenly planning to install political officers  (commissars) in each newsroom to vet what is disseminated. 

"President blames media for 'broadcasting hate'... "
This was a headline on Drudge Report listed below and above two links on Venezuela going down the tubes.  Still, when I read the headline I thought for sure this was a story about the U.S. President because he and his minions have done so regularly.  The fact is that this does coincide with the FCC plan to put commissars in the newsroom to make sure that the news is chosen correctly.  What you say?  "The FCC only planned to observe and record."  Please, tell it to some other dupes.

West Virginia rates as the worst place to live according to this chart.
If you asked many residents of that state they would disagree.  Still, it helps to consider where you might relocate when you think about jobs, medical care, and property values.  If you have great health and don't need to earn a big income then moving to a state like West Virginia or any of those states listed in the Red might make sense since the cost of living is low and maybe you don't need to show every day or attend opera.   Living near a Wally World might be good enough to fulfill your shopping needs.   But notice something.    Who decides these things: The chart lists as green the most desirable state and of course green implies environmentally conscious and of course liberal.  Blue of course means Democrat or liberal and of course these are the second from the top in terms of desirability and only Arizona is clearly mislabeled there.   Red of course denotes Republican and conservative and they are placed at the bottom of the chart.  This is clearly a psychological ploy and part of an overall conditioning program known as agitprop (agitation propaganda).

News Chain to Build a Database of CCW Permit Holders
Creating a state by state database of concealed carry gun permit  holders by a news chain has no legitimate purpose other than to undermine the 2nd amendment and to intimidate.  It will be used to alter public policy but at the same time will create risks for those listed since it will create a map of known guns owners.  Who else but the enemy of citizens and the constitution would do this and notice how well this coincides with the desire of the ruling technocratic elites who want to have lists of gun owners.  What better way than to get private entities to do it and then call it public information.

Derecho is a Spanish word for a fast moving wind storm.  Are these storms new, I doubt it.  So what is new is that the language police met and decided that to help move the USA along into multicultural madness we would start adding words from other languages to replace our own.   We called these howlers since you could hear the wind howling.  If you want something scientific how about normal which is used to describe a straight line.  That would also work if we wanted to call the storm a straight storm whereas a gay storm would be one that swirled and twirled.

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